[전국][제보는Y] I was desperate with phone bills that jumped 21 times…”I informed the change” vs.


How would you feel if your communication charges, which were tens of thousands of won a month, suddenly came out more than 20 times?

It is a position that the rate setting method has changed without my knowledge, but the news agency has mobilized every possible method to inform it.

Listen directly to the person and let the viewers judge.

This is Kim Min-seong.


A woman in her 80s who sent her daughter to England 20 years ago.

I signed up for KT Internet Phone in 2009 and have been using it for more than 10 years to talk to my daughter, my wife, and my grandson I want to see.

[80대 여성 A 씨 / KT 인터넷전화 이용자 : 얘들이 어떻게 학교 잘 다니고 어떻게 하나 걱정을 해서 가끔 전화했습니다. 요즘은 주로 코로나19 때문에….]

Mr. A, who talked with her daughter for about 5 hours and 55 minutes for two months in September and October and paid a total of 7,950 won for international calls.

But last month, I received a bill with 385,000 won for international calls in 5 hours and 27 minutes.

The talk time is about 30 minutes less, but the rate is 21 times more.

[강석진 / 안양시 비산동(A 씨 아들) : 요금이 갑자기 만원, 2만 원 나오던 게 (기본료·부가가치세 포함) 42만8천 원 나온 거에요. 이게 잘못 나온 줄 알았어요.]

Since last month, KT has changed the rate of international calls for Internet calls, in other words, how the rates are calculated, but Mr. A did not know this at all.

In response to the belated protest, the customer center posted it on the website announcement from September and informed that it was also written on the bill sent by mail.

[KT 고객센터 상담원 / 12월 22일 :KT 입장에서는 공지 후에 시행한 내용이기 때문에 정상적으로 통화된 금액에 대한 통화료는 부과되는 게 맞습니다.]

In October, a text message was sent twice to Mr. A’s Internet phone number, claiming that’the company did enough to do it’, but as a result, the user could not recognize this.

[강석진 / 안양시 비산동(A 씨 아들) : 여기(고지서) 보면 깨알 같아요 이게. 이 작은 문구(글자)로 쓰는 게 효력이 있는지 모르겠지만…. 중요도가 높으면 맨 위에 있어야 하는데 맨 밑에다 한 줄 해놓고….]

He added that the announcement should have made it easier and more clear to indicate whether the rate is going up or down.

[강석진 / 안양시 비산동(A 씨 아들) : 광고할 때는 굉장히 거창하게 해요. 홈페이지 들어가도 무슨 이벤트 하면 팝업 창 이만한 거 띄우고, 그래서 사람들이 굉장히 주목하게 하는데, 정작 소비자가 필요하고 소비자가 불리한 조건에 대해서는….]

There seems to be no clear context to suggest that KT has violated current laws or terms of use.

The current telecommunications business law prohibits not notifying users in advance when a business operator changes the service conditions during the contract period, but does not stipulate an explanation method or a notification format.

However, it is pointed out that companies need to think more about users’ right to know.

[박민정 / (사)전북소비자정보센터 부장 : 소비자 정보 취약계층인 노인세대, 어르신 세대에는 더 큰 문제가 발생이 될 수 있다고 보여집니다. 보다 소비자의 알 권리를 충족하기 위한 차원에서 적극적인 정보 제공이 무엇보다 필요하리라 보여집니다.]

KT offered to reduce the notified charges substantially, but Mr. A refused and terminated the internet phone contract.

YTN Minsung Kim[[email protected]]is.

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