[전국][단독] Two crew members found on an abalone fishing boat off the coast of Gyeongju… dramatic rescue two days after the occurrence

One presumed crew chief, rescued by survival
One missing sailor found unconscious
Difficulty in searching for missing sailors due to bad weather


Today, two days after a fishing boat rollover accident off the coast of Gyeongju, two of the six missing sailors were dramatically rescued.

Sailors rescued inside the hull are able to talk, and the other one found at sea is unconscious.

We will connect reporters to find out more about the news. Reporter Kim In-cheol!

What is the status of the rescued missing crew?


One of the two rescued missing sailors was found inside the overturned hull.

It was around 10:20 a.m., and the Korean sailor, who appears to be the chief of the agency at the time of the rescue, is conscious.

This sailor is said to be in a state of misrepresentation, perhaps because of the cold and fear he experienced during the three days of disappearance.

The other was found in the waters, about 9 km from the accident, around 9:20 am.

The area where the accident occurred is 42km east of Gampo, Gyeongju, and the sea area where the missing person was found is 57km east of Gampo.

The missing person was wearing a life jacket at the time of discovery, unfortunately, it is said to be unconscious.

The Coast Guard believes that the discovered crew had moved on tide after the overturning accident, and other missing crew members are likely to be similar and are expanding the scope of the search.

In the area of ​​the accident, 27 naval and maritime ships and 9 aircraft are being deployed to search for missing crew members.

As the weather continues to deteriorate, a strong wind of 19m per second is blowing in the area of ​​the accident, and high waves of 4m are rising, so it is not difficult to search for missing persons.

In addition, an air bag called a’lift bag’ was attached to prevent the fishing boat from sinking, and the rescuers of the coast guard enter the hull and are conducting a search operation.

On the 19th, the boat, which had an abalone accident, had two Korean sailors, one Korean-Chinese sailor, and three Vietnamese sailors.

Until now, YTN Kim In-cheol in the national department[[email protected]]is.

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