[전국][단독] Cricket, take out boiler during employee inspection

The factory shuts down when it is confirmed that the cricket boiler is infected
Hundreds of products were transferred to Qingdao, Gyeongbuk, on the day of the entire employee inspection
Asan City “It looks like there is no problem with taking out the boiler, not closing the factory”


It was revealed that hundreds of products were taken out after the COVID-19 outbreak was confirmed at the Asan factory, a cricket boiler.

A screening clinic was set up in the factory, and the work was carried out while employees were undergoing diagnostic tests.

Reporter Lee Sang-gon reports exclusively.


It was on the 13th that the first confirmed person came out at the Asan plant of the cricket boiler.

Afterwards, as employees and their families were successively tested positive, the quarantine authorities stopped operating the plant two days later and conducted a full inspection of all employees.

However, on the 15th, when the total inspection was carried out, it was confirmed that the boiler products in the factory warehouse were taken out.

Hundreds of boilers were loaded onto two 5-ton trucks and moved to a factory in Qingdao, Gyeongbuk.

On one side, it was found that the transfer operation was in progress while the factory workers were undergoing diagnostic tests.

Cricket Boiler explained that there was a separate warehouse to store the finished products and that the facility was not closed, so the disinfection work was completed and the goods were moved.

He also stressed that no virus was detected in the warehouse where the finished products were stored.

The city of Asan also explained that there seems to be no problem with taking out the boiler because it is in a state of shutdown rather than a factory shutdown.

However, it is very likely that unconfirmed employees were mobilized to take out the boiler.

In addition, the factory was not properly disinfected by collecting environmental samples around 2~3 pm, which is known to have been done.

Companies that previously reported employee group infections often discarded all products produced by confirmed employees to eliminate consumer anxiety.

Even if the characteristics of the product are different, it seems a matter for the quarantine authorities to determine whether it is reasonable to mobilize an employee who may have been infected with Corona 19 in a factory that was shut down due to a collective infection.

At the Asan plant, a cricket boiler, viruses were detected throughout the plant, including production facilities and rest facilities, and dozens of related confirmed cases are reported a day.

YTN Lee Sang-gon[[email protected]]is.

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