[자막뉴스] The U.S. meets an unexpected ambush for’vaccination’…How is our country ready?

U.S. vaccination rate 6.2 per 100 people (25 days)
Low vaccination rate… Lack of mRNA vaccine education and vaccination infrastructure
Israeli vaccination rate of 41.8 per 100 people as of 25 days

The United States, which succeeded in developing a vaccine last year through so-called’high-speed operations’, met an unexpected ambush.

It is a slower vaccination rate than expected.

This is because even the medical staff were not good at vaccination and storage because it was the first mRNA vaccine itself, and the infrastructure such as the vaccination site and manpower was insufficient.

[제임스 카일 박사 / LA 의료보건계획의 의료 책임자 : 미국에 백신 확보를 위한 계획은 있었지만, 접종에 대한 계획은 없었다고 봅니다.]

On the other hand, in Israel, vaccination is at the fastest rate.

The digitalized health care system, large vaccination centers, and issuance of green passports for vaccinations played a big role.

[모쉐 레바츠 / 마카비 건강관리기구 회장 : 우리는 2, 3개월 안에 정상적인 경제, 사회, 문화, 생활로 돌아갈 것입니다.]

Korea also started preparing for vaccination in earnest by designating an agency to conduct vaccine distribution.

In addition to building a cold chain for safe transportation and storage of vaccines, a reservation system that can distribute initial vaccination personnel will be installed within this month.

As the distribution method, period, and number of vaccinations differ for each vaccine, a separate budget was allocated for training for medical staff.

[김윤 / 서울대 의대 의료관리학과 교수 : 백신 접종에 대한 교육이 국민에게도 충분한 정보가 주어지고 백신을 접종하는 의료기관과 의료인에게도 충분한 정보와 사전 교육이 돼야 합니다.]

Starting next month, we plan to secure 10 million vaccine-only syringes per month.

The government aims to form collective immunity in November by completing the second vaccination to more than 60% of the people by September.

Reporter: Hueyoung Yang
Video editing: Lim Hyeon-mook
Subtitle News: Yoo Ji Hye

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
