[자막뉴스] Myanmar’s military’s shocking brutality…Citizens filmed at the risk of their lives

Myanmar military police shoot at citizens being dragged without resistance
Citizens take videos of cruel atrocities and inform the world
The first deceased 20-year-old Cain was shot in the video.

Protest videos filmed in various parts of Myanmar contain shocking assault and killings.

Already caught by the police, they shoot at a citizen walking without any resistance, and then drag the person down.

Even citizens who hide inside the house and shoot the scenes of suppressing the protests are also bombarded with bullets.

These videos, which informed the world of the brutal brutality of the military police in Myanmar, were taken with mobile phones by several citizens at all risk.

There are also a number of videos recorded on TV with closed circuits in buildings.

The video spread through social media is a catalyst for the formation of public opinion in the international community.

The footage of Cain, a 20-year-old who died after a coup after a live bullet shot by the military police last month, was also included in the video, providing solid evidence.

On the 3rd, Burginer, UN envoy to Myanmar, revealed through a video conference that he saw “very shocking videos.”

[크리스틴 슈래너 버기너 / 유엔 미얀마 특사 (지난 3일) : 오늘은 2월 1일 쿠데타 발생 이후 가장 많은 피를 흘린 날입니다. 오늘 하루에만 38명이 숨졌습니다.]

In videos, black areas appear on both sides of the screen, or columns of window frames or balconies are often exposed.

It shows that it was taken in hiding in a situation where indiscriminate shooting was applied to the photographer as well.

The international community is facing the reality of Myanmar through the activities of’citizen reporters’ who risked their lives.

Reporter: Taehyun Kim
Video editing: Yongjun Yoon
Screen provided: MYANMAR NOW
Subtitle News: Yoo Ji Hye

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
