[자막뉴스] Japan barely avoided the tsunami “A strong earthquake of a similar scale within a week…”

The Great East Japan Earthquake 10 years ago when the scale was 9.0

The earthquake itself was also powerful, but at the time the epicenter was 24 km below the sea, much shallower than this earthquake.

Because of this, the impact on the sea level led to a tsunami of up to 40 meters, injuring over 20,000 people.

After this earthquake of magnitude 7.3, the tsunami that appeared in some areas, including Miyagi Prefecture, was up to 20 cm.

The Japanese government’s Earthquake Investigation Committee diagnosed this case as having barely escaped from the tsunami.

[히라타 나오시 / 일본 정부 지진조사위원회 위원장 : 이번에는 아슬아슬 했습니다. 조금 더 진원이 얕고 규모가 컸다면 이번에 더 큰 쓰나미가 발생했을 수 있습니다.]

Experts viewed this earthquake as the aftershock of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

As in the case of the 2004 Great Sumatra Earthquake, it warned that there is a possibility of an aftershock in the offshore of Fukushima over the long term.

[히라타 나오시 / 일본 정부 지진조사위원회 위원장 : 여진 발생 수는 경과 기간에 반비례해 줄어듭니다. 최소한 앞으로 10년은 (이 지역에) 지금과 같은 상황이 이어질 것으로 봅니다.]

After this earthquake, there have already been 50 large and small aftershocks.

In particular, the Japanese government called for caution, saying that an aftershock of a magnitude similar to this one could occur again within the next week.

[스가 요시히데 / 일본 총리 : 기상 변화를 포함해 각 지자체에서 알리는 정보 등에 충분히 주의하면서 방심하지 말고 신속한 대응을 늘 염두에 둘 것을 부탁 드립니다.]

Fear of not knowing when and how the earthquake will strike

Living with a nightmare from 10 years ago, the locals are quietly fixing their homes and relying on each other to relieve anxiety.

Reporter Lee Kyung-ah
Video editingㅣSaito
Subtitle NewsㅣLee Mi-young

#Japan Earthquake #Great East Japan Earthquake #Fukushima

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
