[자막뉴스] “China had similar symptoms two months before the first official outbreak of Corona 19”

China has revealed that December 8, 2019, was the time of the first confirmed cases of Corona 19 in their country.

However, two months before this, a WHO field investigation team obtained medical records from the Chinese government of 92 people hospitalized with symptoms similar to Corona 19 in Hubei Province, China, two months earlier.

These 92 people suffered from pneumonia or other COVID-19-like symptoms, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Chinese authorities have conducted serological tests on them in recent months to determine the presence or absence of COVID-19 antibodies.

But one-third of them have already died or have refused to be tested, according to WHO chief investigator Peter Ben Embarek.

The rest of the patients who responded to the test were all negative, but experts explained that that alone cannot conclude that they have never had Corona 19.

They could have had their antibodies reduced to undetectable levels more than a year after they got sick.

The WHO investigative team called on the Chinese government to do more extensive serologic testing of blood samples collected in Hubei Province in the fall of 2019, saying “more research is needed.”

In response, Chinese authorities responded that they had not obtained permission for serological testing of many samples stored in blood banks.

This fact is noticed as China is trying to pass the origin of Corona 19 on the basis of the fact that suspected cases of Corona 19 appeared in other countries before December 8, 2019.

To date, suspected cases of infection have been revealed in Italy, the United States, and France in November or early December 2019.

Reporter: Kim Won-bae
Video editing: Park Jeong-ran
Subtitle News: Yoon Hyun-kyung

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
