[자막뉴스] Bomb with timer installed, FBI’s shock to open case file

Bombs were found in nearby Democratic and Republican buildings when Trump supporters broke into Congress.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s FBI found the bomb was real.

There was even a timer installed.

However, he added, “I don’t know why it didn’t explode,” he added, and that he was chasing the person who installed it.

The FBI also has prosecuted more than 70 cases in connection with the outbreak, and says it will reach hundreds of people in the future.

[스티븐 드안투오노 / FBI 워싱턴 지부장 : 6일 동안 160개가 넘는 사건 파일을 열었는데, 그것은 빙산의 일각에 지나지 않습니다.]

The Washington DC Federal Prosecutors’ Office, who is leading the investigation, is reviewing the application of “incitement and conspiracy” to some of the suspects.

Agitation and conspiracy are serious crimes that can be sentenced to 20 years in prison.

[마이클 셔윈 / 워싱턴DC 연방검찰 검사장대행 : FBI와 미국 전역의 검찰이 선동과 음모와 관련된 중대한 범죄 사건을 조사하고 있습니다.]

Police and military were also included in the investigation.

Army Captain Emily Rainey is known to have driven more than 100 protesters to Washington, DC.

In New Hampshire, Texas and Washington, police officers are being investigated for engaging in intrusions.

Prosecutors are also considering criminal prosecution against President Trump for encouraging intrusion.

However, under the current law, it has been said that it is difficult to hand over to trial with only the content of the speech.

Reporter ㅣ Kim Hyeong-geun
Video EditingㅣHyunchul Lim
Subtitle NewsㅣLee Mi-young

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
