[자막뉴스] “Bitcoin could die”…experts warn investment

Demand deposits at the end of January at the top five commercial banks decreased by about 10 trillion won compared to the previous year.

While a significant portion of this money appears to have gone to the stock market, it is estimated that a significant portion of this money has also gone to the cryptocurrency market.

On the domestic cryptocurrency exchange, Upbit, the 24-hour trading value was only KRW 628.3 billion as of 8 am on November 10, but rose to KRW 3.345 trillion on November 24 at 8 pm.

As the trading value increased further this year, it soared to 620 trillion won at noon on the 2nd.

Launched in October 2017, Upbit is a digital asset exchange currently used by over 3 million members.

Another exchange, Bithumb, is also seeing a surge in customer money.

At Bithumb, customer deposits increased more than 200% at the end of last year compared to a year ago, and in January of this year, 36% more than at the end of last year.

Amidst the exponential increase in cryptocurrency transaction value, a breakthrough measure has recently been taken to accelerate the popularization of Bitcoin.

Tesla, a U.S. electric vehicle company, recently announced that it would purchase $1.5 billion of bitcoin and allow consumers to pay in bitcoin when purchasing its electric car.

However, there are also many concerns about the popularization of cryptocurrency.

Due to the wide range of price fluctuations and high risk, individual investors need to be cautious.

As central banks around the world are preparing to issue digital currency, there are also observations that if this happens, private virtual currency will shrink.

[정철진 / 경제평론가 : 중앙은행과 각국 정부 당국이 사설 개인 간의 암호 화폐를 허락할 것인가? 즉 자체 디지털 암호 화폐가 쉽게 된다면, 쉽게 말해 디지털 달러가 나오게 된다면 당연히 비트코인은 죽을 수 밖에 없는 것 아니겠습니까?]

In this regard, interest in the use of virtual currency is expected to increase further as the amendment to the Enforcement Decree of the Corporate Tax Act, which is taxed on annual income of 2.5 million won from cryptocurrency transactions from next year, was resolved at the Cabinet Meeting on the 9th.

This is YTN Park Byung-han.

Filming Reporter ㅣ No, Wook-Sang
GraphicsㅣYoodong Park
VJㅣHyunmin Ahn
Subtitle News ProductionㅣLee Sun Editor

#Bitcoin #Coin #Cryptocurrency #Virtual currency

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
