[일문일답] Government “Strictly verify AstraZeneca’s controversy over’the effect of the elderly'”

“Priority vaccination for emergency departures, such as essential service, from the second quarter…overseas Koreans also vaccination in Korea”

“Effects against all mutant viruses in vaccines developed to date”

Commissioner Eun-kyung Chung and officials from ministries announce the Comprehensive Plan for Corona 19 Vaccination
Commissioner Eun-kyung Chung and officials from ministries announce the Comprehensive Plan for Corona 19 Vaccination

(Cheongju = Yonhap News) Reporter Joo-hyung Kim = The Center for Disease Control in Cheongju City, Chungbuk, on the afternoon of the 28th, including the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Central Defense Countermeasures Headquarters, left), including the head of the Corona 19 vaccination response promotion team, The’Comprehensive Plan for Corona 19 Vaccination’ was announced at a regular briefing on responding to the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) held in 2021.1.28 [email protected]

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Kwon Hee-won and Hong Joon-seok = The government announced that “we will thoroughly verify” the AstraZeneca vaccine, which was controversial that it was not effective in preventing novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) in the elderly.

On the 28th, the government held a briefing of the Corona 19 vaccination response team at the Osong Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Chungbuk, and explained the plan for the corona 19 vaccination.

“The goal of responding to COVID-19 this year is to protect precious lives and restore daily life by securing collective immunity through safe vaccination,” said Eun-kyung Jung, director of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and head of the Central Defense Agency. I will take responsibility and manage even management,” he said.

Next is a question and answer with Jeong Eun-kyung, director of the Department of Food and Drug Administration’s Bio-Pharmaceutical Bureau, Kim Sang-bong, Baek Gyeong-ran, a professor of infectious medicine at Samsung Medical Center, and Sung Paik-rin, a professor of biotechnology at Yonsei University.

– AstraZeneca vaccine, which is known to be relatively insufficient in clinical studies on the elderly, is expected to be vaccinated in the elderly.

▲ (Director Kim) Currently, the AstraZeneca vaccine is under approval review based on the results of clinical trials conducted in the UK and Brazil. It plans to thoroughly verify the appropriateness of administration to the elderly through the Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness Verification Advisory Group and the Central Pharmacy Review Committee, where external experts participate. For reference, the number of elderly investigators in the clinical trial results submitted for reference is insufficient, so statistical review is necessary.

– Is it possible to get the vaccine even if Koreans residing abroad come to Korea?

▲ (Chief Chung) It is planned to provide vaccinations to Koreans overseas. However, the order of vaccination will be applied to all citizens.

– In case of urgent departure for essential public affairs and important economic activities, the vaccine was given priority. When does it start and how does it proceed?

▲ (Chief Chung) Currently, consultations with the ministries are underway so that only emergency departures can receive vaccination from the second quarter. However, this is a very exceptional case, and it is planned to be applied only to essential public affairs or economic activities that are very important nationally. In addition, we are preparing a procedure for approval after reviewing the relevant ministries depending on the reason for urgent departure.

– Why are people with disabilities who do not live in the facility excluded from the priority vaccination?

▲ (Chief Chung) The top priority when determining the target for vaccination in the first half was the risk of serious illness or death when infected with Corona 19. People with disabilities who have a disease or chronic disease may be included in the priority vaccination target. People with disabilities residing in group facilities have a high risk of exposure to Corona 19, so they have been included as a priority, and more detailed criteria will be revised and supplemented through expert review.

– How is the range of adults with chronic diseases established?

▲ (Professor Paik) Adult chronic diseases include patients with high probability of developing severe illness when infected with Corona 19, such as diabetes, chronic heart disease, and chronic lung disease. However, the specific scope has not been finally decided.

– How do patients receiving chemotherapy get vaccination?

▲ (Professor Paik) The Corona 19 vaccine does not use a live virus. Therefore, when a patient receiving chemotherapy is vaccinated, there is no risk of being infected with Corona 19. However, if your immunity decreases in the course of receiving chemotherapy, the immune effect of the vaccine may decrease.

– Do you think the vaccine is effective against mutant viruses?

▲ (Professor Sung) The vaccine developed so far has been shown to be effective against all mutant viruses that have occurred in South Africa, Brazil, UK, and Japan. For the time being, it doesn’t seem like we need to worry.

[그래픽]  Corona 19 vaccination process and precautions
[그래픽] Corona 19 vaccination process and precautions

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Kim Young-eun = According to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) on the 28th, after vaccination against the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccination, you should carefully monitor for at least 3 hours.
Immediately after the vaccination, if you experience different physical symptoms such as high fever for 3 days, you should see a doctor immediately.
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