[인터뷰] ‘Sluggish start’ Kim Gwang-hyun “Overall shortage, problem grasping properly” – SPOTVNEWS

▲ Kim Gwang-hyun who started an interview. Ⓒ ZOOM interview capture

[스포티비뉴스=박성윤 기자] St. Louis Cardinals starting pitcher Kim Kwang-hyun looked back at his first demonstration game this year.

On the 4th (Korean time), Kim Kwang-hyun made a start against the New York Mets in the 2021 Major League demonstration held at Jupiter Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium in Florida, USA. On this day, Kwang-Hyun Kim planned 35 pitches in 2 innings and climbed the mound. Kim Gwang-hyun recorded 4 runs in ⅔innings, 4 hits, 2 walks, 2 strikeouts, and 4 runs (three runs).

On this day, Kim Gwang-hyun was hit by a triple hitting the left fielder’s key to lead batter Kevin Pilar. Jonathan Villa was struck out with a missed swing, but afterwards, he hit JD Davis with a single RBI, walked by Jose Martinez, and scored 3 runs by Luis Kiyome and Thomas Nido.

⅓Kim Gwang-hyun, who threw innings, was replaced and went down from the mound. However, he climbed the mound again in the second inning, allowed one strikeout and one walk, threw 39 pitches from the mound, and came down the mound.

The following is one question and one answer with Kim Gwang-hyun.

-You started on the mound again in the second inning. What was the difference from the first?

“The balance wasn’t right. I was trying to get it to balance. The second pitch was also disturbed. Overall, I think I’ll have to analyze while watching the video. The control wasn’t good overall. I don’t know what’s wrong with the speed, but it didn’t come out. Overall, it wasn’t enough. “

-Is there any additional pitches this off-season different from last year?

“I prepared my fitness to throw more innings this year. I kept working out indoors. I had less time to work out outdoors. I focused more on weight training than running. I don’t think I’m ready yet. I have about a month left in the season, and I have one month left. I will try to re-vent the body for months so that I can find a good performance.”

-Last year, we compete in the camp, and this year, we focus on preparing for the season. What is the impact of the changed situation?

“There is nothing different. I especially thought that the season was more important than the idea that I had to show it last year. Since the season is the most important, I am preparing for this year as well. Now, I am in the process of increasing innings. The same is true of last year at this time, but it is the same as last year. It’s time to increase innings. Today (4th) I think I need to figure out what’s wrong.”

-Do you want to stay in the major leagues after signing this year?

“To do that, you have to be good. I know it’s an important season. I’ll try to show a different performance from today.”

-I skipped live pitching once. Was the lack of restraint a problem?

“To start today, I had to take a break from live to play the game. I think I have to look for the data properly if I can’t get a restraint.”

-You must have grasped a lot while running for a year. Are there any other preparations ahead of the demonstration game?

“I have to prepare for the regular season to deal with batters. I am now focusing on lifting my body. It is a demonstration game, a process of increasing the number of pitches. Rather than researching the opponent and trying to catch the opponent, it is more focused on building the body. I put it.”

-You talk about pitching with Wayne Wright. What are the similarities or differences?

“It’s a control-focused pitcher. If the control breaks down, I think I’ll get the same result today. Wainwright threw well on the 3rd. I was admired by seeing it thrown. I think I’ll have to learn a lot. Control, counting with change balls, winning shots, winning shots. I think I have to learn a lot while watching the video from the side.”

-I think I’m worried because I can’t get restrained. Is there any experience like this before?

“Unless I was injured, there wasn’t such a case. I’m not worried and stressed out. I think it’s going to come up gradually. There’s only been less of it on the billboard. I’m fine. I’ll get better while training. I’m not stressed.”

Spotify News = Reporter Park Seong-yoon
Report>[email protected]

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