[인터뷰] Hearthstone “New game mode’Mercenaries’ unfolds in a whole new way”

[게임플] The online game event Blizz Conline, where Blizzard announces various news such as new updates of its new games and existing games, began on the 20th, and is drawing attention from users by releasing various information.

Among them, the representative card game’Hearthstone’ is the’Classic Set’ in which all users receive free cards to form a deck, and the cards released in 2014 compete against each other in the year of Griffin after the year of the Phoenix. A new battle mode like’Before’ was introduced.

In addition, this year’s first new expansion pack,’Barren Land’, where you can expect unprecedented fun with fast spells and new keyword’Frenzy’, and’Mercenary Corps’, a new game mode following previously introduced battlefields and duels I plan to add more fun.

To learn more about the new game modes and expansion packs, where new fun is expected from these various changes, we had a chat with Game Director Benjamin Lee and Production Director Ryans Smith.

[좌] Benjamin lee [우] Ryan Smith

Q. In the case of the newly unveiled’Hearthstone Mercenary’, I wonder if the battle proceeds in the same way as the existing game method or in a completely different way like the battlefield.

Neither. In the case of the arena, the traditional Hearthstone method is used, but the battlefield is conducted in a slightly unusual way, and the mercenary corps will also be deployed in a completely new and unique way.

Q. This expansion pack is expected to have a new strategy as the spell card has attributes. I would like to know if it is possible to construct a deck only with the concept of that attribute, or if it is prepared only as a backup feeling to another type of deck.

We went through the usage data all the time, and each of the users was very fond of making their own builds. And each class has different spells. For example, priests can use divine spells.

At first, it seems like you can build a deck with only those attributes or not, but later, as new spell cards will continue to be added.

Q. Since you always have to think about synergies with new cards, it is likely that the core set cards will also have balance problems. I am curious if the core set cards will be reviewed for an active balance patch and transition to wild mode.

This is the part we care about. Since the core cards are somewhat stronger than those in the wild, it seems a little difficult to tell whether the core set cards will go wild.

However, in the case of classic warfare, we are trying to go without a balance patch, and we would like to hear feedback from fans on this part. If you have any feedback on that part, of course, you will care about balance.

Q. Previously, I understood that it aims to always provide a new experience in the game through a system that sends existing cards to the wild. However, I feel that the classic exhibition that was released this time is going back to the past rather than new. I am curious about the reason why we added the classic war.

As you know, there are more than 100 million users worldwide who enjoy Hearthstone, so I think there will be millions of users who have never experienced Classic Mode.

I think it’s a great thing to introduce how the existing Hearthstone was and let you enjoy the game interestingly, and it would be nice to see that Hearthstone itself is not just a card game, but more than regular and wild.

Q. The mercenary corps basically follows the rogue-like method. It is a structure that goes up to the top floor and defeats certain enemies. How does the play progress in PVP mode?

Once the mercenary corps comes out, I think I can give you a lot of information, but there aren’t many parts to give you detailed information at the moment. But basically, it would be nice to see that the random property is slightly reduced.

Gamers’ judgment and skill are very important, and it would be nice to see that the strategic factors such as which mercenary to choose and how to counter the opponent’s mercenaries are large.

Q. I think the mercenary mode that will be added in the near future is a mode that satisfies both PVE and PVP, so it is expected that e-sports will also proceed. I am curious if you are thinking about what kind of difficulties there will be when developing e-sports.

In the case of e-sports, we don’t actually have the right to make a decision, but rather, it is the part that the community should tell us first and give feedback.

In our case, it is true that we have provided interesting gameplay with strategic RPG properties, and as you said, we can support PVE and PVP modes. I think that we can consider e-sports when there is a positive response from the community to a specific part and a response that we want to do e-sports.

Q. This time, a major upgrade patch for the shaman job card has been made, and I would like to know if there are other job groups that are currently considering the patch other than Priest and Shaman.

There are a lot of parts in the core set that are going to be greatly improved on this part. Because there are so many changes, it is difficult to talk about everything today. This change will be not only for the core set, but also for the wild, and I think there will be cases where cards that were nerfed in the past have returned to their original stats. Maybe next week or so, I will be able to share details on this part.

Q. I personally like the Explorers’ Regiment and the Journey to Un’Goro expansion pack. Are there any plans to mod a specific expansion pack outside of the classic mode?

In this expansion pack, the Journey to Un’Goro expansion pack is partially introduced into the duel mode. It seems unlikely that they will bring the expansion pack that was in the past in the regular game. I think you can get some Coulon cards.

However, I agree that it is a very interesting idea, and I think we can consider adding the introduction of the previous expansion pack if we look at how players react in the classic game and if the response is good.

Q. You have released a core set that replaces the basic or original. I am curious about the purpose or background of the decision to be the core set.

When looking at the existing basic or original cards, there were very old cards. And it is true that cards have existed for a long time, and when you look at the power level, the power level of the cards itself is quite different.

So there was a need to refresh the game a little and reset the card. With the release of a new core card set this time, I think that it can create high synergy with expansion packs like a barren land, and I think that it can continue to give synergy not only this year, but also expansion packs coming out next year.

Through this, users think that the experience will surely improve, and most importantly, since the core card set is provided for free, I think that they can participate in the game at any time, and not only the existing users but also those who have left the game for a while. I think it can be an opportunity to come back.

Q. The composition of the free core set is of great concern. While it is possible to pursue a specific theme for each profession, it seems that a general purpose composition is needed. What criteria did you design the core set for each profession?

When building the core set in the team, we looked at what were the fun and interesting elements for each job, and thought about the characteristics of each job and conceived the core set.

Let me say once again that the core set is a more powerful card than the basic or original. A prime example is a card that allows you to get coins by defeating minions.

Q. There is a card called’I will prosper in the dark’ among the new core set cards, but it seems to have the same effect as the existing Priest card, the Dark Vision, but I wonder if the existing card has been replaced.

We will continue to release information about the dark series you just mentioned, but since there are no dark-related cards in the core set yet, I think we will see the cards in the core set in a week.

Q. As new modes continue to be added, it seems that some modes will gradually become alienated. Currently, Tavern Brawl is recognized as a mode for card packs once a week, and duel is a lot alienated despite being a new mode. I am curious if there are any additional care options for a specific mode.

We are paying close attention on what to do if there are more game modes. But I don’t think it’s a big problem in the current situation.

You took a duel as an example, and it is true that the number of users is relatively small when compared to the battlefield or regular battles, but as of yesterday (19th), 1.5 million matches were played. Each can be different depending on how you define low popularity, and I think matching is not that difficult at this time.

Of course, it is true that there was a little matching problem at the beginning of the duel mode, and if you play the game at dawn, it may be difficult to find your opponent, but I think it will be easier to find opponents after the introduction of the Barrens.

Obviously, in the arena and wild, it is less complicated to find opponents, so more games are considered to be successful.

Q. As the balance patch progresses, the difficulty of the existing adventure mode tends to become too difficult or easier. Can the balance patch not affect the existing adventure mode?

We are keeping an eye on that part, and in the past due to the introduction of new technology, there was randomness in the past, so even if you play the game, it may feel very easy or difficult, but in the single player mode, the player controls a little more We are thinking about what makes it possible to do it.

Q. Lastly, please say something to Korean users who enjoy Hearthstone.

We would like to thank Hearthstone fans for not only playing the battlefield, but also for playing regular matches. We released the core set this time, and we added a new barren land, and I think you’ll love this part.

In addition, we look forward to your expectations for the Mercenary Corps, thank you for continuing to play Hearthstone, and we would like to actively listen to your opinions. That’s why we ask for your continued feedback on classic warfare and new content as well as the Barrens.

Reporter Jung Joon-hyuk [email protected]

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