[인터뷰①] ‘Seungri-ho’ Song Joong-ki “Kim Tae-ri, Jin Seon-gyu, Yoo Hae-jin, broad minds… good balance”

“I am proud and happy to be a member of Korea’s first space science fiction movie.”

Actor Song Joong-gi became Korea’s first spaceship pilot through the movie’Seungri-ho’. After the release, I also tasted the achievements of being ranked #1 in the Netflix popularity rankings. Song Joong-ki also showed satisfaction and affection for the work enough to see’Seungri-ho’ four times.

“I was curious about how the result would come out, but I was really surprised. I also gained confidence. I believed in the technology of our film staff, but I didn’t know how to do this well. I was surprised.”

“(Netflix No. 1) I think we are right. Friends and officials living overseas sent a lot of text messages. In fact, send photos of foreigners watching’Seungriho’ on Netflix from abroad. It’s good to think that you’re definitely watching a lot, and it’s still weird.”

Song Joong-gi played Tae-ho, the pilot of the space cleaner Seung-ho. He is a character who has a somewhat angular personality in the sadness of losing his daughter. It is said that his non-sweet personality resembles himself. It would not have been easy for Song Joong-ki, who had no experience raising children, to express her tender paternal love. Song Joong-ki said he was able to finish the filming safely thanks to his fellow actors and director Jo Sung-hee and the staff.

“I don’t think the paternal acting itself was very difficult. Of course, since it was an experience I hadn’t tried, I was worried that many people would accept it. I think that in order to breathe well with the children, I really have to go through with my children sincerely. I tried that part.”

“Actor Tae-ri Kim, Sun-gyu Jin, and Hae-Jin Hae are all very veterans, and they are basically people with a broad mindset. I felt a lot of things like’Do whatever you want, I’ll accept everything.’ It seemed that someone else would fill in even if there were mistakes. It’s difficult if there’s nothing like that, but I think it was a well-balanced site with good greed and consideration for each other.”

Besides acting the character, shooting was not easy. Most of the scenes in the movie were completed through graphic work. Because of this, the actors had to spend a lot of time in front of the chroma key. It wasn’t easy to express feelings because I wasn’t facing other actors or props as usual and acting. And when it was difficult, it was Director Cho Sung-hee who gave a helping hand.

“It was hard when I was acting alone. Especially, I filmed myself for almost a few weeks in the cockpit, and that was the hardest. The green cloth is covered in front, but when the actors stand in front of the chroma key, the actors get stuck. It’s not like a live action in front of my eyes. This is a lot”

“At first, everyone was so frustrated that they wanted something about’Nanobots’. Every time that happened, the director immediately solved their curiosity with the materials prepared by the director. He prepared a large amount of materials. I think this was done”

Continued from ②.

Photo = provided by Netflix

Reporter Jang Min-soo [email protected]

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