If you look at the contents of the opinion, it says, “(The legalization of probabilistic item probability disclosure) limits the property rights of trade secrets, so you need to be careful about legislation.” In addition, the opinion that “the current probability-type item has a’variable probability’ structure in which the probability changes according to the user’s game progress, so that even developers may not know the exact number of probability.”
By looking at the article comments, you can see a deep distrust of the game company. Game Mecha ID Monoblos Nim “It should have been (probability-type item probability disclosure legalization) early. The game company sold a grave by himself” Game Mecca ID Sleeping person He left an opinion such as, “I will look with doubts about how the Korea Game Industry Association writes and opposes the legalization of probability disclosure.”
The legislative office and the game industry’s tug-of-war over all amendments to the game law have just entered the game. There is a long time left from the review of the bill to the passage, and in the meantime, various opinions from all walks of life are gathered. One thing is for sure, that this incident is putting public opinion on the legislative side, not the game industry.
[이구동성]From the user comments quoted in, we will draw one (game mecha account) each week and send out a game novel (reaper book) by Zewoo Media. Selected users are requested to provide their address and contact information in the winning guide email sent to the e-mail in the member information.
Best comment this week: Sleeping person (Gift: World of Warcraft Novel ‘Storm Rage’ Written by Richard A. Nak/Translated by Sehee Koo, ‘Arthas: The Birth of the Lich King’ Christie Golden/Translated by Sehee Koo)