[영상]Goodman, a US hero blocked by protesters alone, defended Harris this time

On the 20th (local time), at the inauguration ceremony of U.S. President Joe Biden, there is a man who caught his attention. This is Eugene Goodman, 40, a black police officer serving Vice President Kamala Harris.

Congressional police officer Eugene Goodman (pictured) who suppressed protesters during the Trump supporters' invasion of the Parliamentary Party on the 6th is becoming a hot topic to escort vice president Kamala Harris at the inauguration ceremony of President Joe Biden. [AP=연합뉴스]

Congressional police officer Eugene Goodman (pictured) who suppressed protesters during the Trump supporters’ invasion of the Parliamentary Party on the 6th is becoming a hot topic to escort vice president Kamala Harris at the inauguration ceremony of President Joe Biden. [AP=연합뉴스]

CNN broadcasts that relayed the site of the inauguration ceremony and introduced Goodman, who stood by when Vice President Harris entered, as “a policeman who emerged as a hero in the invasion of the Capitol Hill.”

Goodman confronted protesters alone on the first floor of the building on the 6th when supporters of former President Donald Trump pushed into the Capitol. They tried to block the way up to the Senate hall, but it was not enough to deal with dozens of people alone.

On the 6th (local time), congressional police officer Eugene Goodman (left) deliberately aroused Trump supporters who entered the building and lured them to the other side of the Senate Hall.  This video was filmed by reporter HuffPost Eiger Bovik and posted it on Twitter. [트위터 @igorbobic 캡처]

On the 6th (local time), congressional police officer Eugene Goodman (left) deliberately aroused Trump supporters who entered the building and lured them to the other side of the Senate Hall. This video was filmed by reporter HuffPost Eiger Bovik and posted it on Twitter. [트위터 @igorbobic 캡처]

At that time, Goodman showed wit. Deliberately aroused a man standing at the front of the protesters, causing the protesters to follow him.

On the second floor, he quickly checked that the door of the Senate hall was open and led the protesters to the other side of the room. Thanks to Goodman’s attention to the protesters, the Senate was able to lock the door of the conference hall and ensure safety.

According to the Washington Post (WP), protesters moved to the opposite side of the Senate hall at 2:14 pm, and the hall was closed a minute later.

After coming up to the second floor, Goodman (left) confirms that the door of the Senate Hall has been opened, then provokes the protesters again and lures them to the other side of the Senate Hall.  At the same time, I requested support from my colleagues by radio. [트위터 @igorbobic 캡처]

After coming up to the second floor, Goodman (left) confirms that the door of the Senate Hall has been opened, then provokes the protesters again and lures them to the other side of the Senate Hall. At the same time, I requested support from my colleagues by radio. [트위터 @igorbobic 캡처]

The appearance of Goodman against the protesters was filmed by HuffPost’s Eiger Bovik and posted on social media. Congress and netizens praised him as a hero, and Goodman was promoted to the Senate Police Deputy Director, In-Ja Lee in charge of security and security in the Senate.

Goodman, who has worked as a parliamentary policeman since 2011, is a veteran of the Iraq War.

Former New York policewoman Kirk D. Burgharter, a professor at the New York University Law School, said that Goodman effectively defeated the protesters by using three military strategies simultaneously.

After hearing Goodman's request for assistance, congressional police officers have come to suppress the protesters.  Meanwhile, the conference hall was closed and the lawmakers were evacuated. [트위터 @igorbobic 캡처]

After hearing Goodman’s request for assistance, congressional police officers flock to suppress the protesters. Meanwhile, the conference hall was closed and the lawmakers were evacuated. [트위터 @igorbobic 캡처]

Goodman chose to expel opponents rather than one-to-many fights, announced his location to his colleagues while on the move, and went into repression immediately after the security of the lawmakers was secured.

In particular, he said that moving backwards without showing his back even in a situation where the protesters were threatening and chasing it seemed to be an intentional action to lure the enemy. In addition, after going up to the second floor, it was evaluated that it was an excellent response to quickly review the situation at the conference hall without the protesters noticing.

In an interview with WP, Professor Burgharter said, “Knowing a strategy and implementing it is a different matter,” and “His quick judgment and decisive action prevented a greater sacrifice.”

Reporter Lee Min-jung [email protected]
