[영상] Iran mobilizes several helicopters and high-speed boats… The moment when the Korean ship was arrested

Iranian Revolutionary Guard video released… As if filming from a helicopter

On the 4th (local time), the Iranian Revolutionary Guard released a video of the process of capturing the Korean national ship’Korea Chemie’ in the Strait of Hormuz in the Gulf Sea.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards demanded that Korean ships “turn the ship to Iran because there is something to investigate” via wireless communication. The Korean ship slowed down because of concerns about the safety of its crew, and armed forces of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard embarked. This video is believed to have been taken from a helicopter, and a small high-speed boat belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard is caught up with a Korean ship and moved to the port together. Currently, Korean ships are detained in the southern Iranian port of Bandar Abbas.

The captured ship was a ship belonging to DM Shipping in Busan, and was sailing from Saudi Arabia to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) carrying chemicals such as metalon. There were 20 Korean sailors, 11 Myanmarians, 2 Indonesians, and 2 Vietnamese.

The image of the Korean national ship’Korea Chemie’ captured by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard on the 4th. On the right is a high-speed boat from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. The photo shows CCTV at the time of capture. /yunhap news

The Revolutionary Guards announced that “the vessel repeatedly violated marine environmental regulations.” Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs also said, “This matter is completely technical, and the vessel was taken in accordance with a court order to investigate marine pollution.”

However, the shipping company said, “The captured ship was not an oil tanker, but a petrochemical carrier, and this fact was shared with the Iranian embassy, ​​the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, and the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries.”

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs officially announced, “Currently, the Cheonghae Unit (Youngham Choi) is moving to the area of ​​the accident and has taken safety measures against our ships sailing in the nearby sea area. He added, “The Embassy of Iran is in the process of checking detailed conditions related to vessel detention, confirming the safety of crew, and requesting the early cancellation of detention.” The U.S. State Department has also requested Iran to immediately lift the detention.

/ Reporter Minhyuk Kim [email protected]

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