[여론조사] Busan mayor’s virtual showdown, Kim Young-chun 28.5% vs. Park Hyeong-jun 46.8%

I saw a local interview in Busan, and I will also share the contents of the opinion poll conducted by SBS. Ahead of the Busan mayor’s by-election in April, former Minister Kim Young-chun and former lawmaker Park Hyeong-joon in pan-neighborhood were the most suitable candidates, and former lawmaker Park took the lead in the virtual confrontation between the two.

Reporter Han Se-hyun reports.


We asked who thought the Democratic Party candidate for the Busan mayoral by-election was the best.

Former Minister Kim Young-chun was 23.2%, former Busan Mayor Byeon Sung-wan 4.2%, and Busan City Councilman Park In-young 3%.

The power of the people was Hyung-jun Park (33%), Eonju Lee 11.3%, former Congressman Park Min-sik 5.1%, and Park Seong-hoon, former Vice Mayor of Busan City, 3%.

I tried to play a virtual matchup.

First, Kim Young-chun vs. Park Hyung-jun was 28.5% vs. 46.8%, with candidate Park 18.3%p ahead.

Analyzing the gap by age group, voters in their 50s and over showed strong support for Park.

Candidate Kim was superior in his 40s.

In the case of Kim Young-chun vs. Lee Eon-ju, 33.3% and 35.8%, respectively, are within the margin of error.

If the Democratic Party candidate is Byeon Seong-wan, it was found that both Park Hyung-jun and Lee Eon-ju, the power of the people, outpaced Byeon by more than 10%p.

The criteria for selecting candidates for the mayor of Busan were 37.3% of the candidate’s morality, 18.9% of the construction of a new airport on Gadeokdo Island, 15.6% of the political parties, 14.4% of responding to the corona, and 2% of the construction of a submarine tunnel in Korea and Japan.

[이찬복/여론조사기관 ‘입소스’ 본부장 : 전임시장의 성 비위 문제로 치러지고 있기 때문에, 도덕성이나 이런 부분에 대한 관심도나 주목도가 높아진 거라고 볼 수 있습니다.]

This survey was commissioned by SBS to Ipsos, a polling agency, and received 800 responses from Busan voters through wired/wireless telephone interviews from 6 to 9 days, and the sample error is ±3.5%p with 95% confidence level.

(Video coverage: Jang Woon-seok, video editing: Jeong Seong-hun, CG: Seo Seung-hyun)

▶ [통계표 내려받기] SBS 2021 New Year Special Public Opinion Survey_Busan
