[엠빅뉴스] Transcripts related to the mysterious death and Hapa of Hwang Hana.. How is the evidence obtained?

Hwang Ha-na, who was released after being arrested for taking drugs, was again revealed to be involved in drugs, and many people were upset.

The problem is that Hwang Hana’s acquaintances have lost their lives or fall into unconsciousness, and the mysterious death surrounding her has not been resolved.

Moreover, the relationship between Hwang Hana and the Vatican Kingdom, the head of the drug gang, is slowly being revealed.

MBC reporter Go Eun-sang, who covered this incident more than anyone else, vividly reviewing the report!!!

#Hwang Hana #Vatican Kingdom #Drugs #syringe #house party #snowflakes #release #medicine #interview #reporter #prohibit talk outside of officials

[구성: 유충환, 촬영: 노웅래·조소현·심지은, 그래픽: 최유리, 편집: 심지은]

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