[약업신문]Handok launches small but strong coin-sized’Ketotop Hot Mini’

Handok (CEO Kim Young-jin, Paik Jin-ki)’s No.1 muscle pain and arthritis treatment’Ketotop (ingredient name: Ketoprofen)’ launched a coin-sized mini parse’Ketotop Hot Mini’.

‘Ketotop Hot Mini’ is a 2.8cm diameter circle that can intensively treat pain in local areas of the body, including shoulders and back, as well as curved areas such as fingers and knees. Also, the most important feature is that there is no smell. It is a mini size that is easy to attach even by yourself and can be used neatly with an inconspicuous apricot color when attached.

‘Ketotop Hot Mini’ contains ketoprofen and VBE (vanilylbutyl ether) ingredients. Ketoprofen is a major component of ketotop, which treats inflammation and is also effective in pain relief. VBE is an ingredient used in sports creams and massage creams. Thermotherapy increases tissue metabolism and blood flow to reduce pain.

Mi-yeon Kim, Managing Director of Handok’s General Medicines Business Department, said, “Ketotop Hot Mini was developed with Handok’s technology and added anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects and odorless warmth by actively reflecting the needs of consumers.” I hope that with Ketotop’s various products, we can have a fun and lively life without pain.”

Ketotop is Korea’s first adhesive treatment for muscle pain and arthritis. Since its launch in 1994, it has remained firmly at the top of the arthritis treatment market. Ketotop recorded sales of 42 billion won in 2020, and occupies the first place in the domestic market for generic drugs based on a single brand. As overseas exports are also actively progressing, they are receiving good responses in Malaysia and Kazakhstan, and they are growing into a global brand, expecting to expand exports with the successful completion of the licensed clinical trial in Russia last year.
