[안치용의 시네마 크리티크]If Donald Trump and Dick Cheney were in one team,

Movie Review (Movie Review)’Vice’

45Presidents of the United States, including the president of the United States, Donald Trump 45Among the people who faced the resolution of impeachment, 11It is. Trump, Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton 3Impeachment proceedings passed through the House of Representatives only for the people.. No US President has passed the Senate and has actually been impeached by Congress.. Richard Nixon, who is likely to have passed the impeachment bill in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, resigned from the presidency shortly before the House of Representatives voted on impeachment..

Term of office 2020year Onemonth 20Trump until work 2019End of year Ukraine scandalFollowing the impeachment of the House of Representatives, 2020year Onemonth Intrusion of the US CapitolHe was impeached again and is recorded as the first president to be impeached twice by the House of Representatives while in office..

Is the fall of American democracy the responsibility of one Trump??

Dramatizing the corruption and fall of Wall Street, <Big short(The Big Short)>(2015)Director Adam McKay, who created the film, explored the serious problems of American politics with a politician named Dick Cheney. <vise(vice)>(2018)All.Big short>Christian Bale in harmony with the breath <vise>He also played the lead role in Cheney, acting realistically.. title vise(vice)’The vice president(vice president)And evil() English words for flying, etc. ‘vice’It is an ambiguous title that means together. ‘Vice President’s evil deedsIt’s okay to see it as.

The film connects the Cheney on a younger day and the Cheney on the old who received a heart transplant with the hot scene of American politics., Revealed the reality of broken American democracy..vise>Has no beliefs and values,, The American political system that essentially makes democracy impossible is unfolded on two axes.. By character, Dick Cheney’s wife Lynn Cheney(Amy Adams)Is the former U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld(Steve Carell)He is a representative of the latter..

<vise>Shows the nakedness of commercial spirit and capital dominating politics and how Washington’s oligarchy betrayed the people for their own benefit.. The film covers everything from the Nixon administration to his son Bush administration, accusing them of how they deceived and agitated the people.. Commercialized monopoly media, Think tank backed by capital, A gold medal system, Incompetent hereditary politics, You can see vividly how the conservatives of the United States, especially the conservatives of the United States, mobilizing around capital and defending their vested interests, such as business and politics that have fallen into a money game.. There were no people in their minds..

When Cheney was once working for Rumsfeld, the conversation between the two in the drama catches the eye.. Cheney, still young, tells Rumsfeld Under what belief do we moveIt is a scene asking. It’s hard to say that it’s a conversation, and Rumsfeld laughs at Cheney’s words.. Asking something like that, Amateur? Where are we like that? That’s what it means. Dramatically, they have no beliefs or ideologies in their politics, but only interests and morale spirits., Show creepy.

Cheney’s heyday, the most covert politician and the most powerful vice president, brought great bad luck, especially for Iraq.. 911After the incident, the United States had launched an operation targeting al-Qaeda and suddenly invaded Iraq, publicizing the threat of weapons of mass destruction.. What is Saddam Hussein dictatorI ousted, As a result of the invasion of a normal sovereign state, many people died and the country was devastated.. The weapons of mass destruction they claimed were never found.. Before Cheney became vice president CEOIt is confirmed in movies and other reports that Helli Burton, who served as the former, saw enormous profits through the Iraq War..

Donald Trump doesn’t come out because this film focuses on Cheney.. However, it is fully possible to guess what was the hotbed in American politics and the Republican Party that allowed Trump to emerge and even become president..

Who is the monster

<vise>It is not that the Trump story did not come out in. After the ending credit goes up, a scene similar to the discussions of citizen panels follows like an epilogue.. Moderator <vise>When asked if the movie was uncomfortable, Someone said that “(Filmmaker) It is a progressive biasAnswer. Then another citizen But aren’t all facts. What the attorney reviewedRefute that.

I think the dialogue that continues is a scene that will be commonly seen in Korea.. ‘Progressive biasTo the first citizen who said “’Progressive ChintaSounds the sameHe actually swears. In a word familiar to Koreans Left sideWill it be. The next dialogue that continues is the highlight of the epilogue and the most interesting part of the film..

When I understand that it’s a fact,? The orange head you picked(Trump)Is rolling up the country.”

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The conversation proceeded like this. 2020year 11March in the US presidential election 740010,000 votes for Trump. It takes a lot of effort to restore politics and democracy once broken.. Before the ending credit goes up, The scene that dramatizes Cheney’s interview after retirement is also impressive in many ways..

Cheney monsterSaying that fighting with them is his duty You(nation)I will not apologize for saving her family..”Says. And You chose meAnd I just did what you asked for”(I did what you asked.)Said confidently and trumpy. Director McKay deliberately placed this scene at the end of the film, monsterAsk the audience for recognition. Although the answer seems obvious.

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