[아침신문 솎아보기] Will LH land speculation trigger national real estate speculation?

Local media reports that France has reduced or concealed the reality of human damage from nuclear tests conducted in South Pacific Polynesia over the past 30 years.

On the 9th (local time), the French online exploration media’Disclose’ analyzed the declassified French military data. 90%) reported that it was found to have suffered exposure damage. It is 11 times the size of 10,000 people who have applied for compensation to the French government.

Disclosure announced that 11,000 residents were confirmed to have an exposure that is more than five times higher than the international standard for compensation for exposure. It also reported that among the residents directly affected by radiation, about 600 children under the age of 15 were included.

▲ The 11th Chosun Ilbo, p. 14
▲ The 11th Chosun Ilbo, p. 14
▲ The 11th Hankyoreh p. 14
▲ The 11th Hankyoreh p. 14

Disclosure has analyzed 2,000 documents from the Ministry of Defense of France and climate data over the past two years, and conducted field investigations to produce the analysis results. Scientists from Princeton University in the United States and Interprt, a British environmental crime investigation agency, have collaborated.

The Hankyoreh, citing related reports on the 11th, pointed out that the analysis of Discloze was 2 to 10 times larger than the damage scale evaluation conducted by the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) in 2006, but the French authorities did not properly inform it for nearly 50 years.

The Chosun Ilbo said, “A 63-year-old Catherine Serda, who moved from Polynesia to France, recently appeared on the radio and said,’Eight of my family have cancer, is this really normal?’ He said, “There are more cases of thyroid cancer and leukemia than normal among the Polynesian residents and the soldiers who participated in the nuclear test.”

▲ A collection of one page of 9 comprehensive daily newspapers nationwide on the 11th.
▲ A collection of one page of 9 comprehensive daily newspapers nationwide on the 11th.
▲ 8 pages of Kyunghyang Shinmun on the 11th
▲ 8 pages of Kyunghyang Shinmun on the 11th

Trend “The nuclear power plant industry’s’baseline’ as a shield for climate change”

The Kyunghyang Shinmun deals with the 10 cycles of the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in March 2011, highlighting the global trend in which the nuclear power industry is expanding again after 10 years of the disaster. “It is climate change that has set the stage,” he pointed out, and pointed out the background that “the concern that renewable energy alone will not replace all thermal power plants, the main culprit of climate change, opened the way for nuclear power plants.”

Currently, about 50 nuclear power plants are under construction worldwide, including 16 nuclear power plants under construction by China. “In fact, Japan is considering increasing the share of nuclear power plants, which now occupy a single digit share in total electricity generation, to 20%. According to the Kyodo News poll on the 7th, 76% of the citizens supported the post-nuclear power plant, but the national policy is going backwards.”

▲ Trend of the 11th p. 9
▲ Trend of the 11th p. 9

On another ground, the problem of accumulated marine debris was highlighted. According to the ‘2018~2020 National Coastal Garbage Monitoring’ released by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries on the 10th, it was found that an average of 11,4212 tons of garbage are collected annually from the domestic coastal areas. The annual average of 78396 tons of trash that has been pushed to the coast for the past three years is 28504 tons of submerged trash, and 7312 tons of floating trash floating in seawater, a total of 34,2637 tons. By year, it is 9,5631 tons in 2018, 108644 tons in 2019, and 138362 tons in 2020.

Waste plastics accounted for 60.8% (1884 kg) of the total coastal waste on average over the past three years. Wood was followed by 770 kg and glass at 129 kg. By type, beverage bottles and lids accounted for 26.2%, followed by styrofoam buoys (20.7%), fishing ropes (17.1%), and film types (11.8%) such as plastic bags.

▲ 11th Korea, 6 pages
▲ 11th Korea, 6 pages

Gyeongsilryeon “It is a problem that the house price, the public can sell inexpensively… ”

In an interview with the Hankook Ilbo, head of the Real Estate Construction Reform Headquarters, Kim Heon-dong of the Citizens’ Alliance for Economic Justice (Gyeongsil-ryun), on the 10th, while suspicion of speculation in the new city by employees of Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) arose. Don’t you say it will. It should be considered that the government is incompetent at this level,” he criticized.

General Manager Kim said, “We built the 2nd new town to catch Seoul’s house price, but has the house price really stabilized? LH employees who went on speculation would have been convinced that they could make profits with the third new city. “Would it be of use to appoint speculation experts in high-ranking positions and emphasize fairness and public interest only to public enterprises and public officials?”

He diagnosed that the Moon Jae-in government’s real estate policy failed to eradicate speculation. “If the government sells a house worth 300 million won next to a privately built house that costs 300 million won, who will buy the house for 1 billion won?” He also said, “It’s going to fall, but we’re only coming up with wrong measures.”

▲ 11th National 1 page
▲ 11th National 1 page
▲ 11th National 5 pages
▲ 11th National 5 pages

Meanwhile, 6 people from Gwangmyeong City Hall, 8 members from Siheung City Hall, and one member of the Gyeonggi Province Council, which are public officials from the relevant local governments in Gwangmyeong and Siheung Districts, designated as the 3rd new city, acquired thousands of square meters of land before the announcement of the new city. On the 11th, the media pointed out that “the speculative ripples triggered by LH are moving to the entire new city to public officials.”

Police investigations are expanded nationwide. As the National Police National Investigation Headquarters Special Investigation Team was upgraded to the’Government Joint Special Investigation Headquarters (joint version)’, the number of personnel was increased from 70 to 770, and all 18 metropolitan and provincial police offices nationwide were also put into the joint copy. The combined version is a policy to thoroughly investigate allegations of real estate speculation raised in each region.

Regarding the fact that most of the land purchased by LH employees is farmland, Kyunghyang Shinmun said, “The loose’farmland law’ fostered speculation.’ It can recur.”

▲ 11th trend page 1
▲ 11th trend page 1

The qualifications for non-farmers to acquire farmland have steadily eased. After the enactment of the Farmland Act in 1994, standards such as residence requirements and cropping distance restrictions disappeared, and after several revisions were made, exceptions to allow non-farmers to own farmland such as inheritance exceptions, weekend farm exceptions, corporate research institute exceptions, and university experience farming exceptions. This was mass produced.

Kyunghyang said, “The current Farmland Law is a farmer who can own farmland larger than 1000m² if farming for more than 90 days per year, farming with a scale of 1,000㎡ or more, or by earning 1.2 million won per year from farmland. He also pointed out, “As the standards for investment by agricultural companies have been eased, it has become possible for planning and real estate contractors to create a business model in which they set up agricultural companies to buy land and then divest and sell their stakes.”

Criticism of’Cho Sammosa’ for the increase in defense cost share

On the 11th, the media raised criticism of “concession to the United States too much” for the 11th Special Agreement for Sharing of Defense Costs with the Effective Period of 2020-2025 to settle the cost of US forces in Korea.

According to the agreement announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 10th, the share will be frozen at the level in 2019, but it has been decided to apply the increase rate of the previous year’s defense budget to the increase rate of the share of defense cost from this year to 2025. This year, it raised 13.9%, raising the total amount to KRW 1,183.3 billion.

▲ 11th Donga p. 6
▲ 11th Donga p. 6
▲ 3 pages of Korea on the 11th
▲ 3 pages of Korea on the 11th

The Dong-A Ilbo said, “It is unprecedented that the rate of increase in contributions to multi-year contracts is linked to the rate of increase in the defense budget.” “In the meantime, the consumer price index has been applied to the rate of increase. The 9th Agreement (2014-2018) was linked to the price index, but there was also an upper limit of over 4%. Excluding the first year of the agreement, the annual increase rate was only around 1% for four years.”

The Hankook Ilbo said, “Compared to the Donald Trump administration’s request for a 50% increase in defense cost contributions, 13.9% seems to be a good figure, but there is a pitfall.” The total contribution to Korea in 2025 will exceed 1.5 trillion won.” Eventually, “within four years, we approach the ‘50% increase’ that the former President Trump initially requested.”

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