[아침신문 솎아보기] Hankyoreh was the first to respond in innovation to the criticism of’abc association inflating oil prices’

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism investigated the suspicion of’inflating newspapers’ and said, “We confirmed a significant difference between the oil price rate announced by the Korea ABC Association and the actual oil price rate, and the overall work process of the incidental construction (certification) process was unclear.” It was recommended to take full improvement measures by June.

On the 16th, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism said, “If (the association) does not implement the recommendations, additional measures can be taken, such as stopping the use of (associative certification from the association) for government policies (advertising and funding).”

[관련 기사: 문체부, 부수조작 논란 ABC협회 ‘총체적 부실’ 잡아냈다 ]

On the morning of the 17th, the Hankyoreh, among major general daily newspapers, delivered the news on the front page. The Hankook Ilbo delivered the news on page 2 and pointed out that the newspapers need a transparent counting system, but criticized the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism’s proposal for improvement. The JoongAng Ilbo reported on page 10 and the Segye Ilbo on page 12.

▲ Apology on 6 pages of the Hankyoreh on the 17th.
▲ Apology on 6 pages of the Hankyoreh on the 17th.

The Hankyoreh delivered the news on pages 1 and 6, and posted readers’ apology on page 6. In an apology on page 6, the Hankyoreh said, “It is inevitable to point out that the Hankyoreh newspaper, a member of the association, has also inflated the number of paid copies,” he said. “I apologize to readers.”

The Hankyoreh said, “The association’s standards for certification of paid copies were very loose, such as acknowledging paid copies if they received more than half of the list price,” said the Hankyoreh. The association’s due diligence procedure was also not strict.”

“The Hankyoreh will take its own initiative in internal innovation that enhances the transparency of the number of shipments. Already last year, the number of shipments has been drastically reduced to match the number of paid copies of the branch offices, and this year, we will further accelerate measures to restore trust. “We will actively cooperate in improving the system to correct the structural problems of the ABC Association’s incidental certification.”

In an editorial, the Hankyoreh said, “As a press company whose life is the trust that inflates the paid copies of newspapers, it is dishonest to readers and citizens.” We have to go ahead.”

▲ 2nd page of the Hankook Ilbo on the 17th.
▲ 2nd page of the Hankook Ilbo on the 17th.

The Hankook Ilbo delivered the news and said that the first thing that newspapers should do is to transparently deliver the copies. However, for the plan of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, an article criticized it as a method that could degrade the quality of journalism by depending on traffic.

In the second page of the Hankook Ilbo, “Absolute ABC recommendations from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism… He reported that he was criticizing for introducing the’integrated ABC system’ that examines the number of newspapers and online traffic together.”

The Hankook Ilbo said, “The association’s suspicion of fraudulent manipulation has been raised several times, but this is the first time that the actual situation has been revealed.” Considering this, it was recommended to introduce an integrated ABC system that examines the number of copies of paper newspapers and online newspaper traffic. However, it is a view from inside and outside the media world that it is a flimsy countermeasure to correct the chronic injustice of the newspaper industry.”

However, the Hankook Ilbo said, “At the root of the ABC Association’s problem, the newspaper companies that unjustly spoiled are responsible. According to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the actual paid copies of some media companies are only 50% of the published figures. Even now, it is the first thing that all newspapers disclose the actual paid copies in a transparent manner and respond fairly to the suspicion of inflating this time.”

▲ Page 1 of the morning newspaper on the 17th.
▲ Page 1 of the morning newspaper on the 17th.

An analysis that it is due to political conflict with major EU countries and the UK that temporarily suspended AZ vaccination

After AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccination, there were reports of some stiffening of blood in Europe, reports that Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal had temporarily suspended vaccination. Austria, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands and Ireland have temporarily suspended vaccination, while the UK, Canada and Australia are in a position to continue vaccination.

Each country’s decision on the AstraZeneca vaccine is different, and experts’ opinions are different. The Korean media also covered the news on the morning of the 17th.

▲ The first page of the Chosun Ilbo on the 17th.
▲ The first page of the Chosun Ilbo on the 17th.

Among the major general daily newspapers, the Chosun Ilbo, JoongAng Ilbo, and the Seoul Shinmun delivered this news on the front page. In the case of the Chosun Ilbo, major EU countries temporarily suspended vaccination, citing cases of blood clots, and focused on vaccination anxiety. In the case of the JoongAng Ilbo, cases of blood clots in Koreans are rarer than those in Europe or Americans, and the suspension of vaccination may be the background of the political conflict between the UK and the EU that created the AstraZeneca vaccine.

The Chosun Ilbo decided on the front page titled “Astra, which will hit 7.7 million people, stops European flights,” and announced that Germany, France, Italy and Spain, the four major EU member states, would stop vaccination of AstraZeneca. They are in a position to stop vaccination until the decision of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) comes out, and EMA’s position is expected to come out as early as the 18th.

The Chosun Ilbo also analyzed AstraZeneca’s position that “37 cases of blood clots out of 17 million people” were reported, and that “it cannot be explained simply for scientific reasons, anxiety about vaccines would have played a large role” in the report of the British daily newspaper Guardian. Reported. The World Health Organization (WHO) is also in the position that the vaccination needs to be continued.

In this article, the Chosun Ilbo pointed out that the government should more actively investigate the public’s vaccination insecurity and inform the results.

▲ 5 pages of the JoongAng Ilbo on the 17th.
▲ 5 pages of the JoongAng Ilbo on the 17th.

JoongAng Ilbo article on page 5 “Korean thrombosis, 20% of Westerners… “I don’t have to follow Europe’,” he said. Unlike Europe, the incidence of thrombosis in Asia is 10-20% in Europe and the United States, according to experts.

In particular, the JoongAng Ilbo reported that “there is an analysis that there is a political conflict between the UK and the EU” at the basis of the suspension of the AstraZeneca vaccine. In this article, JoongAng Ilbo reported on the background that AstraZeneca was a British company and that the UK and the EU had confronted the vaccinations of the elderly over 65 years of age over AstraZeneca’s vaccine. The JoongAng Ilbo on the 15th, citing the economist, a British economic journal, said, “Political issues surrounding vaccines may have acted rather than immunological issues.” “The EU had a fierce nervous war with British pharmaceutical companies over the supply of AZ vaccines in January.” Wrote.

The Hankyoreh dealt with this issue on page 8. Professor Andrew Pollard of the University of Oxford, who was involved in the vaccine development, said in an interview with the BBC, “There is evidence confirming that blood clots have not increased in the UK, which has the highest number of vaccinations in Europe,” and Clemens, an infectious disease expert at the Schwabing Hospital in Munich, Germany. “There were seven suspected cases out of 1.6 million vaccinations, according to the German Ministry of Health,” Ventner said. It is higher than the baseline incidence of thrombosis, which is 2 to 5 per million people per year,” he pointed out at the same time.

Chosun Ilbo “0 blood clots”, JoongAng Ilbo “Suspicious cases of death due to blood clots come out”

There is another comparable article on the side effects of the AZ vaccine.

On the 17th, the Chosun Ilbo said, “Korea inoculates 600,000 Astra… He posted an article titled “0 blood clots”. The Chosun Ilbo said, “Infectious disease experts believe that there is little connection between AstraZeneca vaccination and blood clot death.” Quoting Professor Kim Woo-joo of Korea University, “currently, nearly 600,000 people have been vaccinated with this vaccine, but there have been no cases of blood clots.” “However, it is necessary to actively investigate and study whether there are cases of blood clots among the inoculations,” he said.

▲3 pages of the Chosun Ilbo on the 17th.
▲3 pages of the Chosun Ilbo on the 17th.

The JoongAng Ilbo reported on page 5, “A blood clot in a leg in his 60s who died 8 days after vaccination… ‘I can’t check the relevance’” posted an article. On the portal, JoongAng Ilbo put a single mark on this article. It has not yet been confirmed that the death was caused by blood clots, which is a side effect of the vaccine, but it is reported that the dead have been told that pulmonary thromboembolism is suspected.

In this article, JoongAng Ilbo said that a 64-year-old A, who received AZ vaccine on the 26th of last month, died on the 6th.

▲ 5 pages of the JoongAng Ilbo on the 17th.
▲ 5 pages of the JoongAng Ilbo on the 17th.

However, the JoongAng Ilbo writes, “In Korea, no cases of thrombosis have been reported of inoculated persons.” If this clot travels to the lungs, heart, brain, etc. and blocks it, it can cause death, but the part has not been confirmed.”

The JoongAng Ilbo reported that the Agency for Disease Control and Prevention is placing weight on the possibility that it is not a case of death due to a blood clot. JoongAng Ilbo also quoted the words of Kim Woo-ju, a professor of infectious medicine at Kodae Guro Hospital, cited by the Chosun Ilbo. “There is no situation to stop vaccination in Korea,” he said.

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