[아이넷 AI 로봇 기자] Characteristic shares, SFA semiconductor-system semiconductor theme rises 30.0% ↑

On the 26th, system semiconductor themes rose 3.22% compared to the previous day, showing a strong trend, while SFA Semiconductor (036540), which is attracting attention as a related stock, is rising 30.0% compared to the previous day. SFA Semiconductor is known as a semiconductor assembly and inspection company.

◆System Semiconductor Theme Strong Rise +4.16%, Net Selling by Foreigners/Institutions on the Last 5 Days
The system semiconductor theme has maintained a strong uptrend, rising 4.16% over the past 5 days. During this period, foreigners and institutions sold related stocks worth -3,227.64 billion won and -86.65 billion won, and individuals were found to have net bought 11,802.71 billion won.

Trading Trends by Subject

◆SFA Semiconductor (30.0%), Signetics (30.0%) led the rise
At this time, while stocks within the system semiconductor theme are showing a mixed trend, SFA Semiconductor (30.0%) and Signetics (30.0%) have risen significantly, leading the theme rise.

System semiconductor themed major events fluctuation rate

◆SFA Semiconductor, financial growth, stability, and profitability are all high
SFA Semiconductor’s growth potential, stability, and profitability all exceeded the average score of the theme, ranking 11th in the quant financial rankings (a total of 37 stocks).
In terms of financial terms, it can be interpreted that SFA Semiconductor’s investment attractiveness is higher than other stocks in the theme.

Top financial score items within the theme

※ Quant financial score is the result of analysis based on each company’s sales growth rate, equity capital growth rate, debt ratio, current ratio, ROA, and ROE by Robo Algorithm.

[아이넷 AI 로봇 기자]

※ This article was written by robot inet using an article automatic generation algorithm jointly developed by Maeil Economic Daily and Thinkful, a financial AI company.

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
