[실시간 e뉴스] “I can’t hear it because it’s on the 28th floor.”

It is a real-time e-news that looks at the news that became hot topics on the Internet overnight.

Amid the spreading suspicion of speculation by LH employees and increasing public anger, I have read many articles that some LH employees laughed at protesters.

Yesterday, when it became known that most of the land that LH employees and their families bought was farmland, farmers gathered in front of LH headquarters in Jinju, Gyeongnam, and held a demonstration.

But that night, a post that was presumed to be written by an LH employee was posted in the blind, an anonymous community of office workers.

The author posted a picture of a group chat room that appears to be a group of LH employees, and the chat room has a picture taken in front of the LH headquarters where the protests were held.

Looking at the pictures of the protests, they responded that they were funny, and another participant in the conversation said that the Seoul office where he works is on the 28th floor, so that the protests cannot be heard.

It has also been argued that some are advocating for employees caught up in speculation and blaming whistleblowers.

In Myanmar, citizens who oppose the coup are continuing protests at the risk of their lives, and there was also a lot of interest in the news that the violence suppressed by the military and police is getting worse.

This is a picture uploaded on social media yesterday There are several red strings on the back of a man lying prostrate.

The citizen who posted the photo said that the man was arrested in Meic, a city in southern Myanmar, and was brutally assaulted by military police in parts such as chains as a protester released. More than 50 people were arrested in Meik.

Another citizen even posted a picture of the military police applying medicine on the back of an injured young boy, revealing that a 15-year-old minor had also been hit with a chain.

Citizens of Myanmar are posting photos and videos on social media showing the brutality of the military and police.Citizens criticized that military terrorists were not only arresting, but also tortured and beaten, saying that military terrorists had captured and brutally tortured minors.

I have read many articles that the beheading of a French teacher that shocked me last October began with a lie by a 13-year-old girl.

In October of last year, 13-year-old Miss A told her Moroccan father that she was expelled from class after a teacher protested at school to show Islamic satire.

When he heard the story of his daughter, his father, infuriated, posted a criticism of the teacher on social media, and a young extremist Muslim refugee who saw this article committed terrorism.

But what the girl said to her father was not true.

It is said that the teacher has taken sufficient precautions, such as notifying the content of the cartoon before class, and recommending that Muslim students with strong reluctance may close their eyes or leave.

In addition, Miss A was in a state of exclusion from classes due to frequent absences at the time, and she was unable to participate in the class due to discipline. If she told the real reason she was disciplined for frequent absences, she lied to her father because she feared being scolded.

Ms. A said that the investigating authorities and the court said she really regretted what was happening at the time, and that she did not know this would happen.
