[신년사]Lee Seong-hee, President of Agricultural Association “Promoting distribution reform to buy and sell agricultural products at reasonable prices”

[세종=이데일리 이명철 기자] Lee Seong-hee (pictured), chairman of the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, said, “We will make distribution reform a top priority for the new 100-year Agricultural Cooperatives and push forward without shaking.”

In his New Year’s address on the 4th, Chairman Lee said, “It is the natural role of the Agricultural Cooperatives and the most important core competency to create a proper distribution structure in which farmers sell agricultural and livestock products at reasonable prices and consumers buy them at reasonable prices.”

(Photo = National Agricultural Cooperative Federation)

Last year, rural villages suffered great damage from unprecedented natural disasters such as a record rainy season and typhoons, and the Corona 19 incident. Chairman Lee expressed his gratitude to the farmers, saying, “With a sense of mission to protect agriculture, I was responsible for the safe and abundant table of 52 million people.”

Chairman Lee cited last year’s achievements as promotion of distribution and digital innovation for the growth engines of agriculture and rural communities and the Agricultural Cooperatives for 100 years, and response to Corona 19 and natural disasters. He said, “A major change in distribution, a digital agricultural blueprint that satisfies both farmers and consumers, a full-fledged implementation system has been drawn up, and a full-scale implementation system has been established.” I did my best to do my best.”

The main management goals for this year were △distribution transformation △digital innovation △a stable management base △communication and cooperation with the Pan-Nonghyup.

Chairman Lee emphasized the necessity of transforming distribution, saying, “In order for the NACF to be sustainable for 100 and 200 years, it needs core competencies to support the organization.”

He said, “Last year, we launched the right distribution committee composed of internal and external distribution experts, resulting in a total of 66 distribution reform tasks,” he said. “This year, farmers and citizens will smoothly pursue innovation measures so that they can feel the tangible changes in distribution and create reform results. Please concentrate all your competencies on doing this.”

It was evaluated that the strengthening of capacity through digital innovation is a factor that will influence the future of agriculture, rural communities, and the Agricultural Cooperatives.

Chairman Lee said, “It is necessary to increase the vitality and growth potential of agriculture and rural communities through convergence with advanced information technology (IT) such as development and distribution of Korean smart farms, construction of agricultural information systems, and fostering digital agricultural talent. Please do our best to innovate online-centered and create the best digital finance in the financial sector.”

Regarding the management conditions, it was analyzed that for the first time this year, a turning point to improve the financial structure was reached, such as reducing the size of the debt from the National Assembly.

Chairman Lee said, “We will be able to make bold investments in future growth engines and actively support for agriculture and rural areas.” “Stable management base is the driving force behind the 100-year agricultural cooperative success, and we must do our best to achieve management goals. I emphasized.

It also suggested the establishment of a flexible and horizontal organizational culture through online and offline communication by removing partitions between branches, departments, and employees.

The social role of the Agricultural Cooperatives and the importance of a happy workplace were also presented.

Chairman Lee said, “We must devote more devotion to social contribution this year and firmly maintain our position as the No. 1 organization for social contribution. We will support work-life balance and develop professional competencies to help them realize their abilities and dreams.”

In celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Agricultural Cooperatives, efforts to establish a new 100-year framework were also requested.

Chairman Lee said, “Let’s run vigorously toward the 100-year Nonghyup that will be together this year with the attitude of the famous Siwon to move forward toward a bright future with wise wisdom from a distance.”
