[신년사] Seung-ho Jeon, President of Daewoong Pharmaceutical, “Visualization of new drug development results this year”

Input 2021.01.04 11:27

Jeon Seung-ho, president of Daewoong Pharmaceutical, is giving a New Year’s address at an online opening ceremony. /Daewoong Pharmaceutical

Jeon Seung-ho, president of Daewoong Pharmaceutical, emphasized that “this year will be the year when the results of new drug development are visible.”

President Jeon held a New Year’s opening ceremony online on the morning of the 4th and said, “Let’s achieve the global 2025 vision and achieve continuous innovation for sales growth in the rapidly changed environment due to Corona 19 this year.”

The Global 2025 Vision is that by 2025, overseas sales will exceed domestic sales by entering the top 10 pharmaceutical companies in all countries and establishing an export network in 100 countries. Daewoong Pharmaceutical (069620)This is the mid- to long-term goal of

President Jeon said, “In 2020, despite various difficult business environments, Nabota’s continued growth and expansion of each business including prescription drugs (ETC) and over-the-counter drugs (OTC) achieved solid results.”

As a management policy this year, he presented ▲Customer Value Improvement ▲Global Innovation New Drug Development ▲K-Pharma Global Leadership ▲Challenge and Change Leadership Development

President Jeon said, “We must become a company that is trusted by customers and sees problems from the perspective of customers. We must not forget that securing excellent drug efficacy and safety is the top priority of pharmaceutical companies.”

He also emphasized, “This year will be a year when the achievements of Daewoong Pharmaceutical’s new drug development become visible.” In addition to the global clinical trial for COVID-19 treatment, gastroesophageal reflux disease new drug Peksuprazan, diabetes new drug Inabogliflozin, refractory fibrosis new drug, autoimmune disease new drug, etc., various new drug pipelines will play an active part as a blockbuster recognized in the global market. Strengthen the capacity to make it possible.

Lastly, the former president quoted the adage,’If you go alone, you can go fast, but if you go together, you can go far.’ and “If we all look in one direction with constant innovation and challenge, we will represent Korea in the fierce global market “We will be able to establish itself as a pharmaceutical company.”
