[시흥 르포] “LH employees planted trees on factory grounds to revoke designation as a new city.”

Input 2021.03.06 06:00 | Revision 2021.03.06 08:51

“When we originally lived here do not know anything and only work like cows, those people (LH employees) borrowed and bought the land and ate them all by themselves. This is not really this.. I’m so upset.” (Ahn, 50, a resident of Gwarim-dong, Siheung, Gyeonggi-do)

As the situation of land speculation related to the development of the Gwangmyeong and Siheung districts by employees of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) is revealed, the local residents are unable to hide their feelings of anger and collapse.

On the 5th, a protest placard from residents in the name of the Residents’ Countermeasure Committee of the Guarim District in Siheung, Gyeonggi Province, was posted in the area of ​​Guarim-dong, Siheung, Gyeonggi-do. / Reporter Baek Yoon-mi

◇ Unexpected juniper saplings in antique shops and factories… “Suddenly planted it was weird”

In the area of ​​667 Guarim-dong, Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do, visited on the 5th, hardware stores and factories were scattered on the ground under the mountain. The sound of a machine close to a roar was heard. Even though it was early in the morning, trucks carrying iron and waste were constantly coming and going. The sawdust from the wood cut at the cutting board plant on the other side got into the reporter’s eyes, and the view was blurred for a moment.

As I walked a little further inward from the factory near the big road, a blind paper covered in black plastic came out. About 2,000 juniper saplings were planted at 45cm intervals. Seedlings planted between the factory buildings did not match the surrounding landscape at a glance. With a total farmland area of ​​1167m2, it is one of 10 parcels that the Participatory Solidarity and the Attorneys’ Meeting for Democratic Society revealed that some LH employees purchased it using internal information.

Juniper tree saplings are planted at 667 Guarim-dong, Siheung, Gyeonggi-do, where allegations of real estate speculation by former and current employees of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) were raised on the 5th. / Reporter Baek Yoon-mi

Putting together the words of nearby residents, this land was home to a factory separating computer materials a few years ago. It is said that this factory moved around last year. After the building was demolished, the ground remained empty. About a month ago, a dump truck with a pile of dirt came and went, and it was said that trees were planted.

A 62-year-old aunt working at a cutting board plant right in front of the land said, “This is a place where factories that have been evasive facilities have been gathered since ancient times. They were very angry. Some say that sooner or later a few dozen owners of the land will rise up.”

Lee Gyeong-sam (51), who has been driving a truck for six years at a junk store next to it, said, “If a new city is developed, I would like to be able to do business for 5 years at a long time here.” “It’s collapsed because I think that the employees of public corporations with better incomes than me were greedy while speculating on the land in front of my nose.”

◇ Siheung natives are angry… “I feel uncomfortable and alienated”

The deprivation of residents who have lived here for a long time is even greater. Mr. Park, in his 50s, who has been living in this area for 30 years, said, “Siheung has been a good country city to live in, but when I heard the news that it was developed as a building forest, foreigners came in and swept away the land in Gwarim-dong, and felt alienated.” I’m an LH employee, and I was trying to’reverse life’ by planting trees in the ground, but I wondered if there was a thief.” He also said, “I even thought that the seniors would have done that too, so it was regrettable.”

Another resident, 27-year-old Hong Mo, who lives with his parents, said, “I have a lot more heartache after seeing this happening because my house is homeless,” he said.. Because of those people, I am even more angry because the land prices and house prices that I want to increase are rising again.”

On that afternoon, the Siheung-Gwangmyeong New Town Countermeasure Committee composed of nearby residents held a resident briefing session and raised their voice, saying, “LH employees must confiscate and severely punish unfair profits.” Chairman Kim Yeon-gyu (75) insisted, “We cannot help but resent allegations of speculation,” and insisted that “the state must thoroughly manage it.”

Nam-gyu Seon, 63, chairman of the Landlord Emergency Response Committee in Siheung-Gwangmyeong Special Administrative Region, who attended the briefing session, said, “The legitimacy of the new town development plan here has been damaged by speculation by LH employees.” He also said. It is known that the landlords will take action as a group by preparing countermeasures through administrative lawsuits and petitions for the Blue House in the future.
