[스포츠]Shin-soo Choo stepped on’Sajik Stadium’ in his hometown…He joined SSG after quarantine


After two weeks of self-isolation, major league superstar Choo Shin-soo joined the professional baseball SSG (SGS) Landers squad.

As early as possible, he will appear on the plate for the first time in next week’s practice match.

Reporter Jo Sung-ho.


Choo Shin-soo, wearing the SSG uniform of the new team, enters the ground.

It is unfortunately that the baseball field where he first stepped into a KBO league player is the Sajik Stadium in his hometown of Busan.

[추신수 / SSG 외야수 : 사직야구장에 들어오는 순간 내가 여기서 야구선수의 꿈을 키웠던 곳이라는 생각을 하면서 조금 뭉클한 마음이 들었습니다.]

We had a nice first greeting with coach Kim Won-hyung and teammates who finished the practice match with Lotte.

A junior Lee Taeyang, who gave over uniform number 17, was separately called out and presented a luxury watch.

This is a major league-style thank you sign.

[추신수 / SSG 외야수 : 이태양 선수가 크게 생각하지 않고, 먼저 (등번호를) 양보해줘서 정말 고마운 마음에 제가 미국에서 한국에 오기 전에 이미 준비해서 왔어요.]

Shin-soo Choo did not stop taking care of himself because he thought of going to the baseball field even during the two-week self-isolation period.

This season’s goal is to win, not a specific number or record.

[추신수 / SSG 외야수 : 저는 이 1년이 개인적으로 그냥 한국야구를 경험해보겠다는 생각으로 온 게 아니고, 이기러 왔습니다.]

Munhak Stadium’s locker was assigned to a seat next to a friend of the same age, Kim Kang-min, who volunteered as a KBO league assistant.

It looks like he’ll be hitting two or three times, and he’ll be in left field.

[추신수 / SSG 외야수 : 어떤 타순에 저를 넣으시든 저는 할 준비가 돼 있고요. (수비는) 이진영 코치님한테, 선배님이시고, 수비도 워낙 잘하셨던 분이시니까 제가 좀 많이 물어보려고 합니다.]

Choo Shin-soo is expected to be at bat for the first time in a practice match with Samsung held in Daegu on the 16th and 17th.

Although it is not a few years old, no one doubts Choo’s performance.

SSG, which is entering the season with a new name, is also challenging to win from the first year of its foundation with a tight hitting line.

YTN Sungho Jo[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
