[스포츠]’School Violence Player’ Blocked the Source of Pro Enrollment…New Expulsion Rules


Regarding the recent controversy over’school violence’, the entry of related people to the professional stage will be blocked at the source.

Involved persons are not allowed to participate in the rookie draft at all, and a permanent expulsion policy regarding school violence will be established.

Reporter Seo Bong-guk reports.


Players who were violent when they were in school are no longer able to step on the professional volleyball stage.

First of all, players who were heavily involved in school violence and sexual crimes in the past are completely excluded from the rookie draft.

In addition, we request a school violence pledge that has been confirmed by the principal at the time of the draft.

This is the prevention and eradication plan for abusive players from KOVO.

[신무철 / 한국배구연맹(KOVO) 총장 : 학교폭력 관련 선수들은 앞으로 프로배구 신인선발 때 원천 배제됩니다. 프로선수가 되는 길이 전면 봉쇄됩니다. ]

In addition, disciplinary rules related to social issues, such as permanent expulsion of athletes, have also been revised if false facts are found after joining.

The school grant will also be recovered.

However, as the rules did not apply to players who were already known to have been committed, four men and women including Lee Da-young and Lee Jae-young were exempted from expulsion.

[신무철 / 한국배구연맹(KOVO) 사무총장 : 규정을 새로 만들게 되면 그때부터 시행을 하게 되고 그것을 과거까지 소급하는 것은 문제가 있다고 봐서.]

In addition, the federation and volleyball association will establish a victim reporting center that allows anonymous reports for student players and professionals.

In connection with the Sports Ethics Center, we also decided to provide education on the prevention of school violence.

This is YTN Seo Bong-guk.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
