[스포츠]’North Korea Ronaldo’ dreams of ending sanctions against North Korea…

Han Kwang-sung debuts Serie A, the first North Korean player in 2017
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Moved to Qatar as if chased by’sanctions against North Korea’… Re-emit


Han Kwang-seong, who once played for Italy’s prestigious Juventus, known as’North Korea Ronaldo’, is in a position to give up his dreams and return to North Korea due to UN sanctions.

It is said that Han Kwang-seon all remitted to the North, leaving only 1% of his annual salary.

This is Kim Jae-hyung.


Han Gwang-seong, a North Korean native, was the first North Korean player to debut in the Italian first division and received attention.

With his innate physical condition and a clever sense of goal, he scored after his first team debut 2 games.

A number of prestigious teams paid attention to Han Kwang-seong, and in 2019, it was transferred to Juventus and received attention again.

[한광성 (2017년 인터뷰) : 호날두를 좋아합니다. 이탈리아 선수 중에는 유벤투스의 (공격수) 디발라를 좋아합니다.]

The life of football, which seemed to be stretched out, fell to hell after the UN sanctions against North Korea.

VOA’s VOA quotes Italian North Korean sports expert Marco Bagochi, saying that the North Korean soccer team striker Han Kwang-sung is returning to North Korea because he cannot find an overseas team that can play due to international sanctions.

The circumstances are this.

The UN sanctions against North Korea, which came into force in 2017, prohibit wage payments to workers who earn foreign currency in North Korea.

This is to prevent North Korea from using workers’ wages for nuclear development and other governmental funds.

In the first place, soccer players were not included in foreign currency workers.

However, in March last year, the situation worsened when the UN declared Han Kwang-seong and other soccer players playing in Europe as foreign currency workers and pointed out that they should be repatriated to North Korea.

In fact, it is said that Han Gwang-seong, who earns more than 2 billion won in annual salary, remitted all money to North Korea except for about 2 million won in local living expenses.

Han Kwang-seong, who moved from Juventus to the Qatar League, was released from here as if after last year due to the burden of sanctions against North Korea.

In the aftermath of sanctions against North Korea, all three North Korean players, including Han Kwang-seong and Park Gwang-ryong and Choi Sung-hyuk, who played together in Europe, were expelled from the overseas stage.

YTN Kim Jae-hyung[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
