[스포츠]NC Na Seong-beom failed to advance to the major leagues

NC Na Seong-beom frustrated with MLB advancement “Sorry, but another opportunity will come”
Na Seong-beom, post missed… Failure to advance to the major leagues
Major league clubs close their wallets with Corona 19


NC Dinos’ Gupo Na Seong-beom’s advance to the US Major League has been canceled.

We negotiated with major league clubs for a month, but we were unable to sign a contract with any club until the morning of the 10th, the deadline for negotiations.

Reporter Kim Sang-ik on the press


The dream of Na Seong-beom, an NC slugger who represents Korean professional baseball, has finally ended in misfire.

They tried to advance into the MLB through the posting system, but they could not find a club to sign a contract by the deadline for negotiations.

Although the giant agent Scott Boras was brought to the fore to close the contract, major league clubs were unable to break through the austerity policy of major league clubs to close their wallets if they are not eligible for recruitment due to Corona 19.

Na Seong-beom, who is staying in the United States, shared his thoughts through the club that he had no regrets but was happy to challenge himself.

At the same time, he said that there will be another opportunity, and when this season is over, he showed his willingness to challenge again as a free agent rather than posting.

It is analyzed that the history of knee cruciate ligament surgery and the not small age of 32 years were also obstacles to advance into the US.

Last season, a powerful hit was broadcast throughout the United States, attracting attention.

[안경현 / 야구해설가 : 현지 관계자들도 타격 메커니즘 등을 유심히 봅니다. (나성범이) 국내에서는 최고이지만 작년에 미국에서 폼을 조금 바꿨다가 안 좋았어요. 국내 와서 다시 바꿔 좋아지긴 했지만 그쪽에서는 그렇게 보니까 (계약 안 된 거죠)]

Na Seong-beom, who is confirmed to remain on the team, joins the domestic spring camp next month and begins preparing for a new season for NC’s second consecutive year championship.

YTN Kim Sang-ik[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
