[스포츠]Messi, club’s career goal of 650…”Contract content leak complaint review”


FC Barcelona’s Lionel Messi scored the 650th goal in a single club.

It is reported that Messi is currently considering a complaint from a club official suspected of leaking the details of his 2017 contract with the club to the media.

Reporter Kim Sang-ik reports.


Round 21 of Barcelona’s Primera Liga, bringing Bilbao to their home Cam No.

Missing both early scoring opportunities, Messi scored a free kick in front of the opposing Arc in the 20th minute of the first half, leading to a picturesque opening goal.

The defender built a wall up and down, lying on the ground, but the ball broke through the corner of the goal and shook the net.

This is Messi’s 650th goal in the first team stage, who only played in Barcelona uniforms.

After breaking Pele’s single-club record of 643 goals at the end of last year, Messi, who has been setting a new record for each additional goal, is tied for second in scoring with 12 league goals for the season.

Barcelona were allowed to tie for a short time with an own goal in the early half, but in the 29th minute of the second half, Griezman’s winning goal broke out, reproaching the defeat they suffered in the Super Cup final last month.

Barcelona, ​​which has been on the rise of 8 wins and 2 draws undefeated in 10 regular league matches, has risen to second place in the league.

Meanwhile, Spanish media reported that Messi is considering a complaint from club officials who leaked his contract.

There are five people, including the former chairman of Barcelona, ​​who are reviewing the complaint for breach of the confidentiality agreement. Revealed.

Coach Coeman also expressed displeasure with the disclosure of the contract documents.

[로날드 쿠만 / 바르셀로나 감독 : 오늘도 팀을 도왔듯이 그는 매우 중요합니다. 계약이 언론에 공개됐어도 그에게 영향을 미칠 것으로 보지 않습니다.]

Earlier, a Spanish newspaper reported that Barcelona’s fiscal deterioration, with a total debt of 1.2 billion euros and 1.6 trillion won, was the result of an unconventional contract with Messi, which paid 555 million euros and about 750 billion won over four years The content was revealed for the first time, and there was a stir.

YTN Kim Sang-ik[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
