[스포츠]’Ace’s Greatness’ Ryu Hyun-jin, perfectly pitching 4 innings with no loss


American pro baseball Toronto ace Hyun-jin Ryu showed a perfect pitching, giving only two hits in four innings in the first round of the second demonstration game, and a scoreless goal.

The number of pitching was much less than expected, so it did not exceed 50, but above all, the highest fastball speed was 148 km, making the body in the camp.

Reporter Kim Sang-ik reports.


Ryu Hyun-jin, who struck out the first batter with a sharp cutter, induces a missed swing by throwing a big curve at the next batter.

He finished 1st lightly while hitting the follow-up batter, and also broke the center of Detroit with a tripartite in the 2nd.

Batter Cabrera was turned back with a foul fly, and the two hitters who followed were also caught with a floating ball in the outfield and an infield ground ball.

Crisis management skills were outstanding in the 3rd episode, which gave the first hit.

It was a no-out first and second base crisis by giving consecutive hits to the bottom line, but this did not lead to a goal.

Ryu Hyun-jin, who induces a floating ball and sighs, struck out the 1st and 2nd hitters against the second, and finished 3 times without a goal.

In the fourth inning, the innings ended with just 7 balls, ending the start of the second demonstration perfectly.

[류현진 / 4이닝 무실점 : 지금 몸 만드는 과정이기 때문에 일단 상대 타자들의 반응과 내가 오늘 중점적으로 던질 공을 많이 점검했습니다.]

There were only 49 pitches, and 38 were strikes.

With a near perfect pitch, he had no walks and four strikeouts.

The highest number of fastballs with a maximum of 148km was 18, but with 12 cutters and changeups each and 7 curves, we checked various pitches for each batter.

Toronto, who scored four points, gave Ryu Hyun-jin his first demonstration match this season with the addition of a bullpen.

MLB.com said, “It seems that Ryu Hyun-jin has already finished preparing for the opening game of the season,” and said, “There was no such a crisis.”

Ryu Hyun-jin said that he would not reproduce the sluggishness he experienced in the two games at the beginning of last season by making a thorough body.

[류현진 / 4이닝 무실점 : 아무래도 작년에는 갑자기 모였다가 짧은 준비 기간에 해야 해서 좀 어려움이 있었는데 올해는 정상적으로 풀기 때문에 좋게 잘 진행되고 있습니다.]

Ryu Hyun-jin, who played an impressive match for two consecutive matches following the Baltimore match on the 6th, is preparing for the season smoothly.

YTN Kim Sang-ik[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
