[슈팅스타]”Ki Seong-yong has evidence of sexual assault”…

[이데일리 정시내 기자] Shooting Star re-lights the person, the star, who collected the topic for a week.

Soccer player Sung-Yong Ki (FC Seoul) was suspicious of sexual violence. Those who claimed to have been victims of Mr. Ki are also controversial as they are actually accused of sexual violence.

On the 24th, Ji-Hoon Park of the Law Firm said, “A sexual assault case occurred in a soccer club camp in Jeonnam between January and June 2000.” Called out and forced to have oral sex. C and D had to cry and respond to the demands of seniors A and B.”

In particular, he explained to Mrs. A and B, who were alleged as perpetrators, “A is a star player from the national representative who recently joined a prestigious club in the metropolitan area, and B is an outpatient professor standing in the denomination at a parent university.” Later, speculation that A was Sung-Yong Ki was raised.

In response, Ki Sung-yong denied the suspicion, saying that it was “unfounded.” Mr. B also said, “There was no fact of sexual assault, and it was not an environment in which it was possible.”

Nevertheless, endless suspicions were raised, and Ki Sung-yong directly revealed his position through his social network service (SNS). He said, “The content of the reported article has nothing to do with me.” I will bet on my football life.”

In addition, he said, “Family is suffering,” and said, “Everyone who has made malicious comments on unconfirmed matters will also take legal action.”

FC Seoul, Ki Sung-yong, recently caught in controversy over sexual assault. (Photo = Yonhap News)

“There is evidence. I want to apologize”

In a press release on the 26th, C·D’s lawyer revealed the real name of Ki Sung-yong as the perpetrator and claimed to have evidence of sexual assault.

Attorney Park said, “We will only submit evidence to Ki Sung-yong and his club,” he said. “However, if the immoral behavior of Ki Sung-yong continues, we cannot but disclose it.”

“C and D remember the detailed situation at the time. For example, there was a day when Ki Sung-yong specifically exempted C from oral sex, and I remember what he said at the time.”

He said that he provided call recording files shared by C·D to two or three media outlets. “In the call recording file, the victims C and D, who were requested (forced) by Ki Sung-yong to re-distribute the political information document with the content of’I have not been sexually assaulted by Ki Sung-yong,’ It is contained.” He argued that “the call recording file is the conclusive evidence supporting the fact that Ki Sung-yong is the perpetrator of this case.”

Also, what C·D wants is Ki Sung-yong’s sincere apology. They said, “I have no intention of ruining the rich life of the perpetrator. Victims just want to be compensated for the pain that they have been through for decades, with the true little apology of the perpetrators.”

Revealer Ki Sung-yong also “demons” as perpetrators of rape

Suspicion of the perpetrator of Ki Sung-yong’s sexual violence exposure. (Photo = MBC)

Rather, it was argued in an online community that C and D were sexual and school violence perpetrators when they were in middle school.

The author said, “I accused Ki Sung-yong, but do you not think about the atrocities you did to me and my friends?” “I never received an apology and wrote down the contents of the assault on the team bulletin board at the time, but I was treated as a sinner and I can’t forget those difficult times. It came out on the news at the time, and it’s frustrating to say that I was subjected to the trash that I did.”

The author is reported to be a former soccer player. Through MBC, he said, “If a person who lost rock, paper, scissors, do OO,” he saw a scene where a friend said “Oh, come out one by one and get it right”. In front of you. (I rejected it) I was hit a lot.” They also said that they were pleased by forcing them to do this.

Revelations on C and D came out again.

On the night of the 25th, a netizen who posted a post on the online community revealed that they are juniors of their middle school. “We do not know if you are the victims, but we know for sure that you are the perpetrators. Please do not show up and live quietly.”

The author of the post is △Many of the seniors grabbed the juniors’ arms and legs, stripped their clothes, and made them helpless, and forced sexual harassment with their own hands. △ A certain senior said that he had lost his money, and asked the first and second grade juniors to collect money and make the amount. △Forcing oral sex in the first grader’s room after bedtime in the evening (there are a large number of victims) △ Threatening to put pocket money on the parents by stealing the check card of the junior, and the actual money deposited by themselves Used as. △ When the harassment report came in, the juniors gathered and exposed the point of having their heads smacked for more than two hours.

“The above is only a small part. At the time, the discipline of Jeonnam Dragons’ perpetrators was insufficient. It is possible to prove the contents.” In the end, he added, “I hope that I will live with the pain of those demonic perpetrators, and I hope that I can spend my whole life with an uncomfortable heart,” he added. “It will not end with problems between players, but the behavior of the leaders at the time should also be accused.”

Photo = FM Korea

Regarding the allegations of abusive and sexual violence, the C·D attorney said, “We acknowledge all the school violence they committed in 2004 and sincerely apologize to the victims. However, through a thorough investigation, both C and D have been severely disciplined and punished.” He drew a line that this was not the issue of the issue.

The opinions of netizens are divided. Netizens are “the same people”, “do not sway public opinion, disclose evidence”, “there is a separate case they commit? It’s my inner bullshit”, “A victim is a victim? It’s a vicious cycle of crime.”, “What evidence is such a consistent statement? I just need to get it right and bury one.”, “Why do children who like sports have to go through this kind of thing? It hurts my heart.”

He also pointed out that the standards of punishment for abuse and sexual violence should be raised, saying that it is necessary to cut off evil habits such as obedience culture between seniors and juniors in the sports world.
