[속보]Supreme Court, Lee Sang-hoon, former chairman of Samsung Electronics, confirmed innocent

Lee Sang-hoon, chairman of the board of directors of Samsung Electronics, who is accused of engaging in an operation with the Samsung Electronics Service Union, is attending a trial for the first trial held at the Seoul Central District Court in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 17th. [연합뉴스]

Lee Sang-hoon, chairman of the board of directors of Samsung Electronics, who is accused of engaging in an operation with the Samsung Electronics Service Union, is attending a trial for the first trial held at the Seoul Central District Court in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 17th. [연합뉴스]

Lee Sang-hoon (66), a former chairman of the Samsung Electronics board of directors, who was handed over to trial for the breakdown of the Samsung Electronics Service Labor Union was confirmed innocent.

The first part of the Supreme Court (Presiding Judge Park Jeong-hwa) confirmed the trial court sentenced innocent to Chairman Lee, who was handed over to trial for violating the labor union and labor relations adjustment law.

Samsung Electronics Vice President Kang Kyung-hoon, who was indicted together, was sentenced to 1 year and 4 months in prison, and former Samsung Electronics Service executive Pyeong-seok Choi and former Samsung Electronics service representative Park Sang-beom were sentenced to 1 year and 1 year and 4 months in prison. Samsung Electronics Executive Vice President Gok-gyun Koh and Samsung Electronics Advisor Song Mo were sentenced to one year in prison and ten months in prison.

According to the prosecution, they are charged with setting up a general situation room and running a quick response team in June 2013, when the movement to establish a Samsung Electronics service union began in earnest. Chairman Lee and others are accused of: ▶ Closing of business partners and interfering with the re-employment of members.

Chairman Lee was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in prison in the first trial and arrested in court, but was acquitted and released in the second trial.

The decisive reason for former Chairman Lee’s innocence was that the second trial court decided that the hard disks secured during the prosecution’s seizure and search of Samsung Electronics headquarters were evidence of illegal collection. At the time, the judge said, “The’CFO report document’ submitted as evidence was judged as evidence of illegal collection, and the conspiracy of the former chairman could not be admitted.” Keep in mind that it is not.

Vice President Kang, who was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in prison with former Chairman Lee at the first trial, and was confined to the court, was found not guilty at the second trial, and the sentence was reduced by two months, but the sentence was maintained.

Former Executive Vice President Choi and former CEO Park were sentenced to 1 year and 1 year and 4 months in prison, respectively, reducing 2 months from the second trial. Samsung Electronics Executive Vice President Gok-gyun Koh and Samsung Electronics advisor Song Mo were sentenced to one year in prison and ten months in prison.

The Supreme Court also confirmed the judgment on that day after seeing that the second trial decision was correct.

Reporter Juhee Hong [email protected]
