[속보]967 corona patients, below 1,000 in three days… 21 deaths increased

On the 30th, a bus carrying detainees departs from the Eastern Detention Center in Songpa-gu, Seoul.  yunhap news

On the 30th, a bus carrying detainees departs from the Eastern Detention Center in Songpa-gu, Seoul. yunhap news

The number of new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) patients fell below 1,000 in three days. The cumulative number of patients exceeded 60,000.

Corona 19 cumulative confirmed cases.  Graphic = Younghee Kim 02@joongang.co.kr

Corona 19 cumulative confirmed cases. Graphic = Younghee Kim [email protected]

New confirmed cases of Corona 19 after August.  Graphic = Reporter Cha.junhong@joongang.co.kr

New confirmed cases of Corona 19 after August. Graphic = Reporter [email protected]

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the 31st, the number of new patients increased by 967 as of 0 o’clock on the day, and the cumulative number of patients was 6,740. The number of new patients went down to three digits in three days after the 28th (808). Although the number of patients recently rose to around 1,000, it did not show a significant decline, and the cumulative number of patients exceeded 60,000 in 10 days after surpassing 50,000 on the 21st.

There are 940 domestic patients and 27 foreign inflows.

The number of domestic outbreaks was 643 from Seoul (365 patients), Gyeonggi (219), and Incheon (59). In addition, 72 in Busan, 32 in Daegu, 8 in Gwangju, 6 in Daejeon, 35 in Ulsan, 36 in Gangwon, 22 in Chungbuk, 17 in Chungnam, 11 in Jeonbuk, 5 in Jeonnam, 22 in Gyeongbuk, 22 in Gyeongnam, and Jeju It came from all regions except Sejong, including 9 people. 13 foreign patients were identified during quarantine and 14 during community quarantine. There are 14 Koreans and 13 foreigners.

Corona 19 cumulative confirmed patients since August.  Graphic = Younghee Kim 02@joongang.co.kr

Corona 19 cumulative confirmed patients since August. Graphic = Younghee Kim [email protected]

By nationality, 2 Filipinos, 1 Kyrgyzstan, 1 Uzbekistan, 1 India, 1 Russia, 2 Myanmar, 4 Indonesian, 1 Iraqi, 3 Poland, 3 Ukraine, 1 Slovak, 5 U.S. , Mexico 2, etc.

The number of seriously ill patients increased by 12 to 344, and the death toll increased by 21 to 900 (fatality rate of 1.48%). Recently, the number of deaths continues to occur in double digits every day.

The number of releases of quarantine increased by 836 to 42,71, and 17,569 are currently being quarantined.

Although the number of new patients has dropped to 900, the number of new patients is highly likely to increase again as infections in nursing hospitals and correctional facilities continue. As cases of mutant virus infection originating from the UK were confirmed, emergency response took place.

As the current distancing measures and special quarantine measures for the year-end and New Year end on January 3, the government is expected to decide on a plan to adjust the social distancing phase and announce it around the weekend.

New corona 19 confirmed.  Graphic = Younghee Kim 02@joongang.co.kr

New corona 19 confirmed. Graphic = Younghee Kim [email protected]

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun presided over a meeting of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters on the 31st and said, “We will be able to introduce the Corona 19 vaccine, which is being independently developed, by the end of next year.”

Prime Minister Chung said, “The treatment of the drug developed by our company went into approval a few days ago, and vaccines developed overseas will begin vaccination as early as February.” “If treatments and vaccines are added in order based on robust K-prevention, we will We will be able to overcome Corona 19 before the country.”

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Reporter Hwang Soo-yeon [email protected]
