[속보] The world’s first possibility of getting 7 Pfizer vaccines per bottle… “Verify Today”

Mi-kyung Jung, 51, a female environmentalist at this hospital, who is the 1st vaccinator of Pfizer at the Central Vaccination Center of the National Medical Center in Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, is getting a vaccine. [사진출처=연합뉴스]

picture explanationMi-kyung Jung, 51, a female environmentalist at this hospital, who is the 1st vaccinator of Pfizer at the Central Vaccination Center of the National Medical Center in Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, is getting a vaccine. [사진출처=연합뉴스]

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It is known that the domestic Pfizer vaccine vaccination started on the 27th, and it is known that a method of increasing the number of vaccinations per vial (bottle) from the existing 6 to 7 is being verified.

This is thanks to the’Low Dead Space·LDS’ developed by a Korean company. If realized, arithmetically, the number of eligible vaccinations could increase by 16.7%.

On the morning of the 27th, the morning of the first vaccination of the Pfizer vaccine, National Medical Center Chung Ki-hyun said to National Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun, who visited the site, “The injection is good and the nurse’s skill is so good that further results may be produced.”

“When the frozen Pfizer vaccine is defrosted, there is about 0.45cc, and when 1.8cc of physiological saline is mixed, the total amount becomes 2.2cc. If the dose is 0.3cc, 7 servings will come out.” He added, “If I do it right in the morning, I think I can accurately verify it.”

Prime Minister Chung said, “Because it’s a trade secret,” and Jung responded, saying, “It looks like a big deal.”

Myung-don Oh, the head of the Central Vaccination Prevention Center, also said, “When I pulled it out in the morning with a syringe specially made by our company, it was pulled very accurately, and it is a vial for 6 people.

The National Medical Center said it would report the vaccination results later, saying that different results from the actual vaccination may be different from the previous experiment.

The Pfizer vaccine has a single dose of 0.3cc, which contains 6 doses per vial, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explained. An LDS syringe must be used, and only 5 vaccinations are possible when using a general syringe. Even if some doses remain, do not collect the remaining amount of several vials and inoculate.

Currently, the government has received 58,500 supplies through Cobax Facility, and separately, 13 million people have been directly contracted with Pfizer.

[최현주 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
