[속보] ‘Park Sabang’ Jo Joo-bin’s accomplice’Buta’ Kang Hoon imprisonment 15 years, Han Mo’s imprisonment 11 years

Kang Hoon,'Buta', an accomplice who was involved in the operation and management of chat rooms by helping the operator Jo Joo-bin in Telegram'Park Sabang'  News 1

Kang Hoon,’Buta’, an accomplice who was involved in the operation and management of chat rooms by helping operator Jo Joo-bin in Telegram’s’Park Sabang’. News 1

The first trial court sentenced to 15 years in prison on the 21st to Kang Hoon (20), the nickname’Buta’, who was accused of producing and distributing sexual exploits by colluding with Jo Joo-bin, the operator of Telegram chat room’Park Sabang’. Another accomplice Han Mo, 28, was sentenced to 11 years in prison.

The 31st Division of the Seoul Central District Court’s Criminal Agreement (President Cho Sung-pil) sentenced Kang Hoon and Han to 15 years and 11 years in prison, respectively, on charges of violating the Sexual Protection Act of Children and Adolescents (producing and distributing pornography, etc.).

The court also ordered the two to complete a 40-hour sexual violence treatment program, disclose personal information for five years, and restrict employment in children and youth-related organizations and welfare facilities for the disabled for five years. The request for an order to attach a location tracking electronic device (electronic anklet) was rejected.

The judge said, “The defendant, in particular, enslaved young women, regarded them as possessions, and settled a distorted sexual culture in a virtual space.” “This crime caused the victims’ identities to be revealed on the Internet, an anonymous space, and videos were continuously distributed. He pointed out that the damage that may be recovered has occurred.

He said, “The defendant has managed the doctoral room since the opening of the doctoral room, and has continuously produced and disseminated sexual exploits, and the guilt is very serious for concealing the proceeds of crime.”

However, he explained that “the young age of 19 years old and the fact that there is no possibility of correction if the defendant lives in prison for a long period of time were taken into account.”

Kang Hoon was indicted in May last year on charges of intimidating 18 women, including 7 children and adolescents, from September to November 2019 to produce sexual exploits and selling and distributing them on Telegram for profit.

The accusations of complicating with Jo Joo-bin to coerce or intimidate the victims, tricking former Gwangju Mayor Yoon Jang-hyun into intercepting 10 million won, and delivering over 26 million won to Jo Joo-bin of sexual exploitation crimes were also applied.

Han attempted to sexually assault a juvenile victim according to Mr. Cho’s instructions, but was charged with an attempt (violation of the Act on Sexual Protection of Children and Juveniles, etc.). He is also accused of sexually abusing the victim, such as making obscene acts, and after filming it as a video, he transmitted it to Mr. Jo to disseminate it in’Park Sabang’.

Earlier, the prosecution sentenced Kang to 30 years in prison and Han to 20 years in prison.

Reporter Han Young-hye [email protected]
