[속보] Myung-hee Myung-hee resigns from WTO secretary-general candidate after 7 months challenge

Myung-hee Myung-hee, head of the Trade and Bargaining Headquarters of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, resigns from the post of secretary general of the World Trade Organization (WTO).  On the right is Ngoji Okonjoywella, former Nigerian Finance Minister, who competed with General Manager Yoo for the post of WTO secretary-elect.  AFP=Yonhap News

Myung-hee Myung-hee, head of the Trade and Bargaining Headquarters of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, resigns from the post of secretary general of the World Trade Organization (WTO). On the right is Ngoji Okonjoywella, former Nigerian Finance Minister, who competed with General Manager Yoo for the post of WTO secretary-elect. AFP=Yonhap News

Myeong-hee Myung-hee, head of the Trade and Bargaining Headquarters of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, gave up the challenge of the Secretary General of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

General Manager Yoo announced on the 5th that “we have decided to resign as the WTO secretary general candidate.” The Ministry of Industry explained, “We have been in consultation with major countries such as the United States to draw consensus (all agreements) of member countries on the next secretary-general of the WTO.

Headquarters Yoo passed the first and second rounds (consultation with member states) for the election of the next secretary-general last year and became two finalists. However, in a preference survey conducted in October last year, Director Yoo was pushed over to Nigerian candidate Okonjoyweala.

Since then, member states have not yet reached an agreement on the election of the secretary-general. This is because the US opposed the Nigerian candidate supported by China. The WTO makes all decisions, including the election of the Secretary-General, at the consensus of 164 Member States. The election of the secretary-general is not possible if there are member states opposing a particular candidate.

An official from the Ministry of Industry explained, “In the future, Director Yoo and the government will contribute in various ways to restore and strengthen the multilateral trade system.” The process of selecting the next WTO secretary-general is expected to be discussed at the WTO general board meeting next month.

Sejong = Reporter Seongbin Lim [email protected]
