[속보] Janssen starts vaccination in the second quarter of next year… Pfizer third quarter earnings

Input 2020.12.24 08:39 | Revision 2020.12.24 08:51

Corona 19 script conference
Corona vaccine contract signed with Janssen and Pfizer

The government has signed a contract to purchase a vaccine for a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) with global pharmaceutical companies Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) and Pfizer. Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun announced on the 24th that such a contract was concluded the day before at the Corona 19 critical script meeting presided over at the government office in Seoul.

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun presides over a meeting of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters in response to the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) held at the government office in Seoul on the morning of the 24th./Yonhap News

Prime Minister Chung said, “In the case of Janssen, he signed a contract for 6 million people, which is more than the originally planned amount of 2 million people,” and said, “We will start vaccination from the second quarter of next year.” Regarding Pfizer’s vaccine, he said, “We have signed a contract for 10 million people, and it will come in from the third quarter of next year.”

Prime Minister Chung said, “Vaccination has begun in various countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States. Most of the countries have desperate vaccinations. The government will look closely at whether the vaccines vaccinated first are safe and effective, “I will take care of myself so that I can receive the vaccination with confidence.”
