[속보] Busan Office of Education eases’small school standards’ to expand school attendance for the new semester

[속보] Busan Office of Education eases’small school standards’ to expand school attendance for the new semester

Changed from around 300 to 300 to 400
145 schools last year, increased to 211 schools this year
Infants and lower elementary school students in the second stage every day

Reporter Hwang Seok-ha [email protected]

Input: 2021-02-16 14:01:38Revision: 2021-02-16 14:01:55Published: 2021-02-16 14:02:31


View of Busan City Office of Education.  Busan Ilbo DB

View of Busan City Office of Education. Busan Ilbo DB

The Busan Metropolitan Office of Education has set up an academic management plan to allow as many students as possible to attend school from the new semester next month by easing the standards for small schools. In this case, the number of schools that can attend school within 2.5 steps of social distancing in Busan will increase by 22 from last year.

Superintendent Kim Seok-joon held a press conference at the Busan Office of Education on the afternoon of the 16th and announced plans for the 2021 academic year and school quarantine measures. Superintendent Kim said at this meeting, “This year’s new semester starts normally from March 2, without delay of starting school. “I do.”

The biggest change in the Busan Office of Education’s new academic management plan is the change in standards for small schools. Last year, the standard for small schools will be expanded from around 300 students to those with less than 300 this year, as well as more than 300 and less than 400, and an average of 25 or less per class.

If the new standard is applied from the new semester next month, the number of small schools will increase from 145 last year to 211 this year. In small schools, up to step 2.5 of social distancing, the school can autonomously decide whether or not all students attend school.

The Busan Office of Education also considers that students in kindergarten, elementary school 1st and 2nd year, 3rd year of high school, and special school (special class) can attend school first even when distance classes are combined with school classes. In particular, kindergarten and elementary school 1st and 2nd graders can attend school every day until the second stage of social distancing.

A plan was also presented to improve distance classes in case they cannot attend school classes. This year’s distance classes will expand online real-time interactive classes where students and teachers can see each other in real time. Real-time communication and customized feedback using video or SNS will also be strengthened. In order to support the underprivileged in information technology, 20,000 tablet PCs for student rentals and 12,000 tablet PCs purchased last year will be maintained, while additional tablet PCs will be purchased. In addition, the Busan Office of Education plans to improve the teaching and learning environment, including the establishment of a’blended learning’ classroom, and support training to strengthen teacher competency and development of class materials.

Superintendent Kim said, “This year’s academic management plan and school quarantine measures were prepared based on the valuable experience gained from last year’s response to COVID-19.” I will do my best.”

Reporter Hwang Seok-ha [email protected]
