[속보] 424 new coronavirus confirmed… 400 people on the second day

Input 2021.03.04 09:30 | Revision 2021.03.04 09:34

A rental notice was posted on a store in Myeongdong Street in Jung-gu, Seoul on the 3rd, as the economic downturn continued due to the prolonged new coronavirus infection (Corona 19). /yunhap news

The number of new coronavirus infections (Corona 19) in Korea recorded 424 as of 4 days.

The Central Defense Response Headquarters announced that as of 0 o’clock on the day, the number of new corona19 confirmed cases in Korea was 424, down 20 from the previous day (444). There were 401 local outbreaks and 23 foreign inflows. The cumulative number of confirmed cases is 91,240.

In the last week, the number of new confirmed cases has been recorded daily from 388 → 415 → 356 → 355 → 344 → 444 → 424.

Looking at the number of new confirmed cases by region, ▲ Seoul 117 ▲ Busan 17 ▲ Daegu 19 ▲ Incheon 18 ▲ Gwangju Metropolitan City 6 ▲ Daejeon 3 ▲ Gyeonggi 177 ▲ Gangwon 6 ▲ Chungbuk 12 ▲ Chungnam 2 ▲ Jeonbuk 6 ▲ Jeonnam 1 ▲ Gyeongbuk 5 ▲ Gyeongnam 9 ▲ Jeju 3 etc.

There were 462 new quarantines, a total of 82,162 people were released from quarantine. Currently, 7459 are in quarantine. There are 140 patients with severe gastric disorders.

Seven more deaths were added. The cumulative death toll is 1619. The fatality rate is 1.77%.

As of 0 o’clock that day, 65446 people newly received the corona vaccine. The cumulative number of people who have completed the first vaccination of the vaccine so far is a total of 1544421. There were 151679 AstraZeneca vaccines and 2742 Pfizer vaccines.
