[속보] 1 to 2 more people per bottle of Astra Pfizer vaccine… World first

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The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has allowed the number of people to be vaccinated per vial (bottle) of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccine used in Korea to be increased by 1-2 at the site. This is the first case in the world to increase the number of people vaccinated per vaccine bottle like this.

On the 27th, the COVID-19 vaccination and response team will be vaccinated with AstraZeneca vaccine from 6 to 7 people per bottle of Pfizer vaccine when using a special low dead space (LDS) developed by domestic companies. A guide was delivered to the site that the number of personnel can be increased from 10 to 11 to 12. Through the’Vaccination Implementation Method’, the promotion team said, “When using the minimum residual sterilized syringe, if the remaining amount remains after vaccination for the recommended number of vaccinations per vial, additional vaccination is possible in order to reduce the waste amount.”

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The minimal residual syringe is a special syringe that has little space between the piston and the needle to minimize discarded vaccine. Domestic manufacturers Doowon Meditech and Shin-A Corporation supplied them to the disease administration. Poonglim Pharmatech, which reduced the mass production period to one month with the support of the Samsung Electronics Smart Factory Support Center, donated syringes to the Korean government.

In this regard, a government official said, “If you use a special syringe, you can use the remaining amount additionally,” he said. “AstraZeneca can fit 10 people per bottle. Depending on the remaining amount, up to 11-12 people can be inoculated.”

Earlier, the head of the National Medical Center Chung Ki-hyun also observed the first vaccination of the Pfizer vaccine at the Central Vaccination Center this morning. He also mentioned that if the dose is 0.3cc per dose, 7 servings will come out.” Pfizer vaccine is made by mixing 1.8 cc of saline solution and inoculating 0.3 cc each.

[최현주 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
