[센터뉴스] Focused lighting on the’Golf Emperor’ Woods accident vehicle’Genesis GV80′

The center news of the day starts.

First, let’s look at the main news in the morning.

It can be seen that it was a serious accident at a glance, with the front part of the vehicle and the bumper, which was damaged so that it was difficult to recognize the shape.

On the 23rd of the local time, it was seen at the time of the car overturning accident of the American golf emperor’Tiger Woods’.

▶ Woods vehicle rollover accident… Genesis GV80 Spotlight

The model Woods drove at the time was the’Genesis GV80′, which Hyundai Motor Company provided for free at the golf tournament.

After the accident, foreign attention has been focused on the safety of this vehicle.

▶ “There is almost no internal damage even when the vehicle overturns”… Foreign media attention

As you can see, the exterior of the vehicle was greatly damaged, but the interior was almost intact, so it was analyzed that Woods could save his life.

“The interior of the vehicle was largely intact, so the woods survived, thanks to a kind of cushion,” the local US police explained.

▶ US police “The inside of the vehicle was intact and his life was saved”

Foreign media also focused on the car that Woods was driving along with the accident.

It is known that this vehicle has safety features such as 10 airbags and a’driver caution alarm’ that sounds an alarm when the driver falls asleep.

It was reported that the airbag worked properly in this accident.

The cause of the accident has not been specifically identified, but there was no situation in which Woods was drinking or taking drugs at the time, and it is believed that he was speeding downhill.

Woods suffered severe injuries in both legs and had undergone long surgery.

<카를로스 곤잘레스 / LA 카운티 보안관 대행> “I’ve seen a lot of terrible traffic accidents. I’ll say it’s very fortunate that Tiger Woods came back alive.”

<저스틴 토마스 / 프로 골퍼> “It hurts to hear that my closest friend had an accident. I just want Woods to be okay. I’m worried about Woods’ children.”

▶ Woods, severely injured in the leg… “Recovering after emergency surgery”

Woods is currently recovering after surgery.

However, there is a prospect that it may take several months or more to walk again, and the possibility of a player returning is uncertain.

Next, let’s take a look at the schedule to pay attention to in the afternoon.

▶ 17:35’Join Shinsegae’ Choo Shin-soo, arriving this afternoon (Incheon International Airport)

Shin-soo Choo, who has signed an entry-level agreement with Shinsegae Group, will enter Korea.

Choo Shin-soo, arriving at Incheon International Airport at 5:35 pm this afternoon, is scheduled to hold a brief press conference at the arrival hall.

After signing the sign, Choo Shin-soo said,’I had a lot of thoughts about going to Korea, but if I go, now is the right time.

I feel like I will return to Korea with an exciting heart.’

Shinsoo Choo, after the press conference, will self-isolate for two weeks, and then join the team as soon as the self-isolation is over.

So far, we have delivered Center News.

Yonhap News TV article inquiries and reports: katok/line jebo23
