[설연휴 건강 챙기기] Zipcock depression? Indoor exercise and phone chat

20 minutes of high-quality naps and songs are also helpful

Take some time to be in the sun

If your symptoms are severe, you should consult an expert

With the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) epidemic and prolonged social distancing, various gatherings and outside activities are decreasing, and more and more people complain of mild depression, frustration, and lethargy. It is often referred to as’corona blue (depressed)’, but these emotions sometimes explode with irritation and anger (corona red).

Self-employed and young people who have been unable to do business or work for a long period of time or find a part-time job can lead to anger, frustration and depression. People with chronic diseases are also at higher risk of depression than the general population.

In the first half of last year, when it was first affected by Corona 19, it was found that the number of mental health treatments increased significantly. Among clinic-level medical institutions in the first half of last year, the cost of mental health and health insurance treatment increased by 18% (the number of visits was 10%) from the first half of 2019. This is in contrast to the decrease in pediatric and adolescent and otolaryngology treatment expenses by 31% (36% of visit days) and 16% (25% of visit days) during the same period.

Depression can be suspected if the feeling of depression persists for more than 15 days. Depression shows symptoms such as loss of interest and motivation, fatigue, and memory loss, and sharply reduces the quality of life. Excessive fear and health concerns can harm not only your immunity, but all health factors. Emotionally, it can lead to fear, sadness, lethargy, shock, despair, anger, and emotional paralysis, physically, fatigue, sleep disturbances, pain and immunity, decreased libido, and digestion and urination disorders. It is also adversely affected by social and work life. People who are obsessive or pessimistic and sensitive to stress are also at high risk for depression.

Therefore, if you have these symptoms or are easily tired, but the cause is not clear, you need to see if it is depression. If the symptoms are severe, it is better to get help from drugs or psychological treatment. “Depression is a disease that can be improved through treatment,” said Kim Joon-hyung, a professor at the Department of Mental Health at Korea Daeguro Hospital. “When you feel mentally difficult, you should not endure it unconditionally and make a treatment plan through expert consultation.”

On the other hand, positive thoughts affect neurohormone and increase immunity. According to a paper published in the journal’Circulation’ published by the American Heart Association, about 100,000 women in their 50s to 70s who did not have cardiovascular disease or cancer were followed up for more than 8 years, and cynical and hostile women had cancer compared to women who did not. The incidence rate was 23% and the mortality rate was 16% higher. On the other hand, optimistic women had 16% lower incidence of heart attack and 30% lower mortality from heart disease than women who were cynical, pessimistic and hostile to others.

To relieve depression and stress caused by social distancing, singing, naps, indoor exercises, and conversations with family, friends, and acquaintances (including phone calls and social network services) are helpful. Hobbies that have nothing to do with distance are also a good way to overcome corona depression.

Lack of sleep is likely to lead to hormonal imbalance, decreased immunity, accumulation of fatigue and depression. In the epidemic of infectious diseases such as these days, sleeping enough for 6 to 8 hours and improving the quality of sleep is important for relieving depression and improving immunity.

Professor Jeong Seok-hoon of the Department of Mental Health Medicine at Asan Medical Center in Seoul said, “Singing increases the amount of oxygen inhaled and stimulates the circulation to revitalize the body, and high-quality naps improve mood.” Professor Shin Yong-wook said, “Just listening to stories from people close to you can help improve mild depression. If you are a family living away from your parents, you need to communicate frequently through voice and video calls.”

20 minutes of high-quality naps (power naps) help improve mood and clear the mind. Particularly, if you are suffering from sleep deprivation, shift workers, or high-intensity office workers, taking a high-quality nap for about 20 minutes in the early afternoon, such as after lunch, is effective in improving agility, psychological behavior, and mood.

Let’s take some time to bask in the sun even for a moment during the day. Sunlight stimulates the secretion of serotonin, a hormone that energizes the body and improves mood. Metabolism, brain movements are faster and stress is reduced. The reason is that when I wake up in the morning, I feel better when I get the sun, and when it is cloudy or rainy, my body feels heavy and tired. / Reporter Lim Woong-jae [email protected]

‘Holmt’ is regularly… A little bit harder is effective

Increase the amount of activity through stretching and gymnastics

Strength training with dumbbells that are not too heavy

3 to 5 times a week, suitable for 20 to 60 minutes per day

Improve the quality of life, such as relieving depression

As the life radius decreases due to Corona 19, regular exercise and proper diet control must be paid attention to in order to maintain physical and mental health.

Professor Joon-Hyung Kim of the Department of Psychiatry at Korea Daeguro Hospital said, “To overcome corona depression, anxiety about infection, and mental stress, it is necessary to maintain a rhythm of daily life through regular sleep and wake up and increase physical activity through simple indoor stretching or walking exercises. I said.

Light exercise that can be done indoors can help you change your mood, prevent depression, and maintain your physical condition if you move your body frequently. Professor Kim Won of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at Asan Medical Center in Seoul said, “Because it is easy to refrain from going out due to the COVID-19 outbreak, it is easy to do exercise that can be done at home 3 to 5 times a week, about 20 to 60 minutes a day.” He advised that it is effective only when the intensity is a little harder to talk about during exercise.”

When exercising, you must first increase the stiff joints with light stretching and bare-handed gymnastics to increase the temperature and body temperature of the muscles and prevent joint injuries and stiff muscles. Strength training with light weight dumbbells can also help reduce fatigue and improve quality of life. Exercise in an unreasonably difficult position from the beginning or if the repetition rate is too fast, there is a risk of muscle joint damage, so increase the intensity of the exercise gradually. It is also good to do aerobic exercise appropriately with a treadmill (treadmill) or a stationary bicycle. Aerobic exercise is effective in improving cardiopulmonary, cardiovascular, and joint function, reducing body fat, and controlling hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia.

If you have depression or chronic disease, it is also important to regularly exercise and sleep adequately and eat adequate amounts of high-quality protein such as fruits, vegetables, and eggs rich in vitamins and minerals.

/ Reporter Lim Woong-jae [email protected]

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