[서울En] Kang Seung-yeon “I was too nervous to expose the manager for drinking and sexual harassment, but…” [EN스타]

▲ Kang Seung-yeon. Photo = YouTube channel’Puhaha TV’ video capture

Trot singer Kang Seung-yeon appeared in’Late Night Shindang’ and shared his feelings after exposing the manager’s drinking and sexual harassment.

On the 6th, Kang Seung-yeon said, “I went to the’Late Night Sindang’ through her Instagram. I’m so nervous, I don’t know what I’m talking about, but I’m grateful to the teacher who looked at me in a way that was just pretty and cute.”

Earlier the day before, actor and shaman Jung Ho-geun released a video titled “Trot Singer Kang Seung-yeon, who was given an incomprehensible proposal” through the running YouTube channel Fuhaha TV’Late Night Sindang’. Through this video, Seung-yeon Kang confessed about the things she had experienced while doing her activities.

Kang Seung-yeon said, “I am used to doing things alone because my parents are not in good condition and have bad relationships. I met a lot of companies while going to sing, but I had a lot of sexual approaches.”

Kang Seung-yeon said, “At the young age of 22, I was forced to drink unwanted drinks. In addition, the manager tried to do something terrible at the motel where I went because of the local event schedule. I thought I would rather jump. I was so scared that I thought it would be better to jump down.”

Also, Kang Seung-yeon shed tears as he confessed to his father’s domestic violence that took place before his eyes as a child.

In response, Ho-geun Jung said, “It is hard to believe that there are still such bad people. “I always wear a mask to talk casually and brightly because I had a lot of pain in my young heart alone, but it will hurt too much when I think of myself in silence alone.”

On the other hand, Kang Seung-yeon made a public appearance by appearing in TV Chosun’Mistrot’ and KBS2’Trot National Sports Festival’.

Reporter Lim Hyo-jin [email protected]
