[서울En] Comedian Eom Young-soo married a 10-year-old fan in the US for the third time today

▲ Comedian Yongsoo Um. KBS video capture

Comedian Eom Young-soo (formerly renamed Um Yong-soo) is getting married for the third time.

On the 6th, Um Young-soo is having his third wedding in the United States with a long-time fan and a Korean-American businessman under the age of 10.

Eom Young-soo is planning to return home beyond mid-month after having a wedding and having time with his family, considering the period of self-isolation due to Corona 19.

Eom Young-soo has delivered the third marriage news on the air happily. In December of last year, the love story with my third wife and the process of getting married were honestly revealed.

Recently, he appeared on MBC’s standard FM’Park Joon-hyung, Jung Kyung-mi’s 2 O’clock, and said, “He’s been a longtime fan” and said, “He’s been watching me.” “Especially when my husband died, I was so sad that I was healed by thinking about my comedy,” he confessed. “I am a lifesaver.

He confessed, “I hope he sees me, and he contacted me, and I went to the US,” and confessed, “I also went to see him because there are many alumni in the US.”

Regarding the wedding ceremony, he explained, “I try to keep it simple with the minimum number of members and family members present in the American church.

Meanwhile, Eom Young-soo was born in 1953 and is 69 years old in Korea. He made his full-fledged debut in the entertainment industry in 1981 with the MBC comedy contest, and then played an active part in the KBS comedy broadcast’Humor Il Bungee’ in the 1980s, and gained attention as the corner’Chairman, Chairman, Our Chairman’. It gained great popularity as a master of vocal chords and rapid fire gag.

Reporter Yoon Chang-soo [email protected]
