[서울신문] Winfrey “Harry confirmed that it wasn’t the one who spoke arch skin color, the queen’s couple.”

British people “wearing expensive clothes and earrings, victim luck, don’t come back forever”

British Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are enjoying themselves by telling American broadcaster Oprah Winfrey that their second baby is their daughter through an exclusive 2-hour interview on CBS on the 7th (local time).  AP Yonhap News

▲ Harry’s British Prince and Meghan Markle’s couple are enjoying themselves by telling American broadcaster Oprah Winfrey that their second baby is their daughter through an exclusive 2-hour interview on CBS on the 7th (local time).
AP Yonhap News

The BBC reported that Oprah Winfrey, an American broadcaster who interviewed Prince Harry and his wife, who exposed the pains of the British royal family such as racism, said on the 8th (local time) that it was not the queen and the couple who talked about the skin color of the couple’s son.

According to the broadcast, Winfrey told the US CBS, which aired an exclusive interview the day before, that Prince Harry “did not tell you who said that,” but “we wanted to make it clear that it wasn’t the Queen’s couple and let them know when the opportunity came.” Told. He added that he tried to find out who was speaking during recording or even when the camera was turned off, but he did not get an answer in the end.

Prince Harry insisted in an interview that “concerns and conversations went back and forth about how dark his skin would be when his son was born,” and “they didn’t want to make him a prince.” Winfrey confessed that she was shocked to hear this during the interview.

Along with this, in a new video released by CBS that day, Prince Harry was asked if he left England because of racism, and replied, “A lot of it is.” He also confessed that when he heard that “the UK is very narrow,” he said, “not the UK, but the British media, especially tabloids,” from a close friend of the British press. “Unfortunately, if the sources of information are corrupt, racist or skewed, it flows into the rest of society.” Prince Harry and his wife have been in tension with the British public for a long time, and several lawsuits are in progress.

When asked what the British media had to do with other royal families, Markle replied, “It’s not the same as being rude and racist.” “When it’s not true, we have a press team that defends it, but it didn’t work for us.” When Winfrey asked,’Have you got an apology from other family members for leaving,’ Prince Harry said, “sadly not,” and “this is our decision, and we feel that we are responsible for the outcome.”

Since it was an interview with a lot of interest and concern, hot controversy has arisen after the airing. In the interview, Markle wore a lotus-embellished dress, heels, earrings, and necklaces. The black silk dress with white lotus flowers on the right chest is made by Giorgio Armani and costs 4700 dollars (about 5.32 million won). It was speculated that Markle would have thought that the lotus flower meant a new birth, saying that he could not have thought of the message that the clothes gave while choosing a dress to wear in an interview that would be seen by people around the world over time.

Anyone can guess, but on the 8th (local time), the front page of a major British daily newspaper was overprinted with an interview with the Prince Harry couple.  Newspapers are lined up in front of broadcast camera reporters covering Buckingham Palace's reaction.  Buckingham Palace AP Yonhap News

▲ It’s something anyone can guess, but on the 8th (local time), the front page of a major British daily newspaper was overprinted as an interview with the Prince Harry couple. Newspapers are lined up in front of broadcast camera reporters covering Buckingham Palace’s reaction.
Buckingham Palace AP Yonhap News

The daily New York Times (NYT) and monthly magazine’Town & Country’ said that Markle considered the symbolism of the lotus in particular when choosing a dress. Wearing a lotus-embroidered dress shows that’the couple was reborn as an entity’ and’definitely separated from the royal family’. NYT pointed out that Markle’s choice of an expensive dress “is somewhat contradictory to the victimization of the person wearing the dress and showing’recovering from pain’.”

The Cartier’s’diamond tennis bracelet’, which was owned by Diana, also attracted attention. The couple decided to wear the bracelet because they wanted Prince Harry’s mother, Diana, to be with them, People magazine said. They wore Aqua Jura’s $695 heel, Canadian brand’Birks’ earrings, and British designer FIFA Small’s necklace.

Markle has been controversial over the past two times that he wore earrings originally given to Queen Elizabeth II by King Muhammad Binsalman, the king of Saudi Arabia. Prince Binsalman was designated as the person who ordered the murder of the dissident journalist Jamal Kashqji. Markle wore earrings while visiting Fiji in 2018, three weeks after the assassination of Kashukji. Michael Eisner, an attorney who heads a human rights group run by Kashq, accused the Daily Mail of “the earrings (marked by Markle) were bought and gifted by a murderer with bloody money.”

Prince Harry wore a gray suit from’J Crew Ludlow’, a jacket for $425 (about 480,000 won) and pants for $225 (about 250,000 won). He wore almost the same clothes when he revealed his son Archie’s appearance in May last year.

While those who are compassionate to the couple agree with their arguments, many Brits say, “Do not return to England forever” or “Don’t return to England forever” for even Prince Harry’s open criticism of the British royal family, even though the’bad daughter-in-law’ attacked the in-laws. The people’s tax is a waste.” If the interview is aired in the UK through ITV at 5 am on the 9th (Korean time), the controversy will become even hotter. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson replied that he would not respond to the reporters’ question for a word during a press conference.

Reporter Lim Byung-sun, Secretary General of the Peace Research Institute [email protected]
