[서울신문] Will’AI’ replace’human lawyer’… the future legal market seen by lawyers and law school students

Will artificial intelligence (AI) be used routinely in various legal counseling or trials? Korean lawyers and law school (law school) students saw the possibility of a so-called’AI lawyer’ replacing’human lawyer’ 10 years later. Although it can be used as an auxiliary means, it cannot replace humans.

On the 21st, the Korea Employment Information Service announced the results of a survey of 141 lawyers and 71 law school students about what could happen in the legal market 10 years later. First, the probability of occurrence for each scenario was evaluated on a 5-point scale and converted into a 100-point scale. As a result,’new legal service appearance’ was the highest with 81.1 points. Then,’Star lawyer appeared’ (78.9 points),’AI judgment appeared as an auxiliary means’ (77.5 points), and’the role of lawyer increased’ (76.2 points) appeared in the order. ‘AI legal man trial’ (37.7 points),’prefer to consult with AI’ (43.6 points),’the emergence of giant AI, similarity of laws and regulations around the world’ (47.6 points) showed relatively low numbers.

This is contrary to the fact that the’UN Future Report 2045′ published in 2016 was chosen as one of the high-risk jobs to be replaced by AI in 30 years. In Korea, AI lawyer’Eurex’ had already’employed’ at a large law firm in 2018.

50.5% of 212 lawyers and law school students saw that the legal market will expand within the next five years, and gave 82.9 points for’the number of lawyers will increase’. Ten years later, the ability of lawyers to respond to market changes was the highest scored for the ability to judge and make decisions (85.8 points). ‘Situational awareness and strategic thinking skills’ (84.2 points),’Korean language skills’ (82.4 points), and’inclusive interpersonal relations and networking skills’ (82.2 points) followed, and points given to’foreign language skills’ (62.5 points) Was relatively low.

When asked about their ability to prepare for the future,’work ethics’ was the highest with 70.4 points,’Korean language ability’ (67.3 points),’Judgment and decision-making ability’ (64.9 points), and’Diversity tolerance’ ( 64.6 points) followed.

Park Ga-yeol, a researcher at the Korea Employment Information Service, said, “The survey revealed that the size of the legal market will expand, focusing on new services, and efficient business performance based on technological advancement will be revealed.” “Strengthening marketing capabilities and problem recognition capabilities based on data analysis “I need education to do it,” he suggested.

Reporter Lee Hyun-jung [email protected]
