[서울신문] Son Heung-min, who avoided major injuries, concludes whether he will participate in the Korea-Japan match as early as tomorrow

British press “Son, there is a possibility of returning early on the 22nd”
The 25th Korea-Japan War is a related game, so quarantine is necessary
Tottenham, you might refuse… Hwang Hee-chan missed the pick-up

Son Heung-min.  EPA Yonhap News

▲ Son Heung-min.
EPA Yonhap News

On the 15th, local reports reported that the injury of Son Heung-min (29, Tottenham), who collapsed in the North London Derby, seems to be less severe than feared. Whether or not to participate in the Korea-Japan match on the 25th is expected to be decided around the weekend.

According to the Korea Football Association (KFA) on the 17th, Tottenham is currently closely checking the extent of Son Heung-min’s hamstring injury, and has decided to forward the position regarding the selection of the national team to KFA on the 19th.

Tottenham will play an away game against Aston Villa on the 22nd in Korean time, and before this, it is expected that Son Heung-min will finalize his position by checking his condition. As soon as the KFA receives an official letter from Tottenham, the KFA announces whether Son Heung-min will participate in the Korea-Japan War. In this regard, the day before,’Football London’ said, “Because Son Heung-min’s injury is not as severe as expected, there is a possibility of returning to match the Aston Villa.” In another article, the media said, “The best scenario is to return to Newcastle (April 4) after the A-match break.”

On the one hand, it is pointed out that it is not possible for Son Heung-min to join the national team as the Korea-Japan match was held in the midst of the game. The UK is implementing a special rule that allows elite athletes who have left for foreign games to be tested for Corona 19 after returning home and exempt them from quarantine if there is no problem. It is known that the special rules apply only when the game was played without spectators. For this reason, it is said that Spurs will not give Son Heung-min based on the rules of the International Football Federation (FIFA) that allowed the team to refuse to vote if the team had to self-isolate for more than five days. A KFA official said, “When discussing with Tottenham, there was no mention of the related regulations. Both sides are focusing solely on Son Heung-min’s physical condition.”

Meanwhile, the KFA reported that Hwang Hee-chan (25, Leipzig) was missed in accordance with the quarantine regulations of the German state health authorities in Saxony.

Reporter Hong Ji-min [email protected]
